Because You Are Mine (Adult 18+)

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Pragya nods her head smiling, immediately liking her.

"How old are you, Pragya?"

"14." Pragya answers her.

"Ah... first time here, right?"

Pragya nods her head.

"So, did you like it here?"

"Yes. I've never seen such a big house."

Radha chuckles hearing that.

"Mohan Sir?" Raghuveer asks her.

"He is on a call. He will come now."

"And Abhishek Baba?"

"His friend came over last night. He is with him."

"Okay." Raghuveer says.

Seeing them standing around bored, Radha asks Pragya, "Do you want to have a look around the house, Pragya?"

"Can I?" Pragya asks smiling.

"Yes, sure."

"We don't want to trouble you, Madamji." Sarala quickly tells her.

"It's no trouble. Go, Pragya, have a look around." Radha tells her as she stood up. "I'll see what is taking Mohan so long. You are off for today and tomorrow, right?"

"Yes." Raghuveer replies.

"Ah, you might have made plans."

"Pragya wanted to see the mall and I thought I'll show them around Mumbai."

"Okay. If you need anything, let me know." Radha tells her then turning to Pragya, she tells her, "Go on, Pragya, see around the house. The room on the end of left side, it is Abhi's, he might be sleeping, so don't go there, everywhere else, you see."

"Okay, Radha Aunty." Pragya smiles as she curiously walked in.

Pragya was walking around amazed seeing the huge house. On the ground floor, she had found the kitchen, another living room, dining room and a study, hearing Mohan Sir talking on the phone inside the room, she didn't go in. then she ventured to the stairs above. Pragya curiously looks at every room, though she didn't stay in a room more than a minute as she didn't want anyone to feel that she was intruding, there were so far 4 bedrooms on the top floor, one library and one room to watch TV. She walks to the other end, and she sees the room on the left side and instantly knew that it was Abhi's room. So, she opens the door opposite to his bedroom and finds another bedroom. Pragya was amazed to find yet another bedroom, so they had a total of 6 bedrooms. If this was not a Palace, then she didn't know what was.

Seeing another door to the corner, Pragya curiously opens it and sunlight hits her face. She squints her eyes as she stepped out into the big terrace. The terrace was so big, overlooking the quarters that her father lived in and on the other side, the swimming pool.

"What plans? Can we go out?"

Hearing this, Pragya curiously turns to the side and finds two boys smoking well-hidden near the water tank. One was facing her and the other was leaning on the wall, with one knee bend and resting on the wall.

"We can stay home and watch some movies or play games." The boy who was leaning by the wall says as he took another puff.

She was about to leave when the other boy notices her and quickly hides his cigarette behind him, and says softly as he pointed at her, "Abhishek."

Seeing the boy pointing at her, Abhishek quickly throws away his cigarette and jumping to stand straight, he turns to look at the intruder. Seeing a stranger instead of his parents, he frowns. Pragya quickly turns around and hurries out. She opens the door and gets back in the house.

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