Then You Must Be Overdramatic

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January 25; 17:12 PST

The Outsiders, along with Victor, were inside of the Bioship, heading to follow a lead on Violet. Spark felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, and she quickly pulled it out to see what it was. Spark's heart deadpanned at the sight of Marie's name on her screen. Spark was still so upset with her sister, but she couldn't find the strength to ignore Marie; she opened up to the message to read.

I'm going on a team mission to try and save Halo, just wanted to tell you, even though you're still mad. But if there's something I know is that I can't go with saying this- Marie


I love you, and I'm sorry- Marie

Spark stared at her phone for a moment as she glances up at the group, who were minding their own business. Spark with a deep sigh, knowing full well that in this life, there aren't always second chances.

Love you too- Alya

Stay safe- Alya

Spark relaxed as she places her phone back in her pocket. From the corner of her eye, she could see Angi looking at her with concern. Next to him, she saw Green Lantern pull out her phone.

Green Lantern narrowed her eyes at the text message she had received from Marie. Green Lantern, with a huff, shut off her phone, placing it down without a second thought. She can't believe how Garfield still forgave off what Ms. Martian, Nightwing, Aquaman, and Spirit had done to them; they shouldn't be leaders in her eyes. Leaders don't lie and keep secrets from the teams they're supposed to be leading. She can't even believe that Spark isn't madder and that's she's only mad about Marie keeping the lies because of Dick and not more. That no one is holding Batman and the others responsible for all that they have put the Outsiders, The Team, and The Justice League through. It seemed to her that the only people who truly cared about what happened, is Jefferson, Annabelle, and herself.

"Luck?" Victor's voice pulled Green Lantern out of her daze. "That's all you're gonna say? At least Alya said I love you to her sister."

"How did you.." Beast Boy was about to question Victor, but he stopped himself when he remembered the answer for himself. "Oh. Nevermind." Beast Boy refocused him and began to debrief the Outsider. "Ms. Martian and the Team are following their lead... We'll follow ours."

"And what is our lead?" Kid Flash asked. "Why are we here, exactly?"

"Yeah, didn't the Team already search this place?" Green Lantern questioned.

"Vic?" Beast Boy prompted Victor.

"Okay, for a while now, I've been struggling to figure out the full extent of my cyber-abilities..." Victor started with a sigh, "It all started when I intercepted a text from Violet to Brion."

"You hacked his phone?" Wonder Girl asked him.

"Uh, no. The cybernetic part of my brain just intercepted the text." Victor clarify. "Things like that would happen at random. I couldn't control it. And back then, I didn't want to. But after my recent Mobius- Tech infusion, I kinda got a handle on this gift. I can reach out with my mind to anything on the web or the cloud or, well, anything electronic, really. That's how I sensed Motherbox was in danger at Granny's house. So ever since Tara told us Granny took Violet, I've been searching any and everything related to Gretchen Goode, Granny Goodness, or Goode World Studios."

"How's that different from what Oracle's been doing?" Blue Beetle asked him.

"It's not, and it is," Victor answered. "Oracle travels the information superhighway. I become the highway itself."

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