I Swear I Didn't Teach Her That

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September 08; 06:45 EDT

Marie had gone to Central City to see if the Flash or Kid Flash to see if either of them had any idea what Laya could be talking about. Neither of them knew what the five years were going on about Sissy being bad, but Kid Flash did tell her that he knew a Cameron and an Ari that claimed to be the children of Alya, who used to talk about a cousin they had by the name of Laya, but that Laya was a little older than her cousins, and her cousin being about twenty-two when he left 2056, which means she had to come from a little before or after 2034 since Cameron and Ari would have been born in that year. It took Marie a little bit to do the math but she got there.

"Mommy, Mommy." Laya tugged on Marie's sleeve, Marie tiredly looked down at the four-year-old. "Where's Auntie?"

"She's at school," Marie answered, it has been a week since Laya arrived on the scene she has not had a break, it's the same questions every day. Laya asking where Alya is, and every day Marie gives the same answer. "Also I told you to stop calling me that. I'm way too young to be anyone's Mom."

"Spirit, Spirit." Laya giggled as she takes a seat on the chair, and Twilight hops off her shoulder and onto the table. Twilight slowly grabs a piece of egg and drags it off Laya's plate " Where's Grandpa?"

"Work," Marie answers, as she takes a bite from her toast. "And before you ask, Jenny is at work too." Marie sighs, rubbing her hand against her face, "Which also means I have to take you with me."

"Where we going?" Laya questioned with a grin. Twilight took a small bite of the egg, she then began to cough, and smoke came off of the little dragon's mouth. And yes, in the past week Marie and Hal learned that Twilight is not a lizard but a dragon, that when commanded can grow to be ten feet long. It was not a fun experience.

Marie sighed as she looks down at the dragon. "We're going to see my friends, we're going to help them train, while we have a fun time on the beach. Is that okay?"

"Beach, beach!" Laya cheered clapping her hands together.


September 08: 10:54 EDT

Marie held Laya's hand as they walk across the sand. Laya giggled as she skips beside her mother, while Marie dreads every moment of having to explain who Laya is. Marie walked over to Conner and Artemis first, she picked Laya into her arms.

"Oh, who's this?" Artemis cooed once she sees Lya in Marie's arms. Marie allows Laya to go into Artemis' arms.

"Artemis meet Laya." Marie introduced, "She's my kid from the future, DNA checks out and everything. And I currently don't know what to do with her."

"Mommy. Mommy." Laya points at Marie.

"And when we're around after people those seem to be the only words she knows." Marie sighs. "Mommy, No, and Spirit. She says other things, but she tends to stick to those three words."

"And you brought her here?" Conner questioned.

"I couldn't find a babysitter," Marie told him. "And doesn't like to be with anyone, but me, Jen, Alya, and Hal. And when she's upset, uh, let's just say that she makes up with what she got when she didn't inherit my powers."

Dick walks up to them, Laya narrows her eyes at the man and she wiggles out of Artemis's arms and back over to Marie's side, she points at the man and spats, "Bastard."

Marie covers her mouth with a cough, the four adults look at the kid with wide eyes. "I swear I didn't teach her that."

"Excuse me?" Dick raised his brow at the four-year-old.

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