I Will Fry Your Brains

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July 30; 11:22 PDT

"Good Morning Jordans!" Jenna exclaimed as she pushes open the door to the Jordan residence, the young girl having her camera rolling, as she films a vlog. "How is my favorite family doing?"

Another thing that Marie quickly learned about the young girl that Hal has taken under his wing, was that Jenna was a famous YouTuber with millions of followers and on top of posting singing and dancing videos Jenna also posts weekly vlogs.

Alya glared at Jenna as the Green Lantern takes a piece of bacon from her plate. "Don't you have your own house, where you can eat your own food?"

"Yeah," Jenna jumps up onto the counter as she pops the bacon into her mouth with a grin, she turns off her camera, though she was a vlogger, she rarely promotes the Jordans in her vlogs, as they didn't usually talk about most things people did. "But I like visiting the city whenever I can, and my friend living here makes all the more an excuse to be here."

Densiville, the town that Jenna lived in, was one of the suburbs that surrounded Coast City, and it was only a twenty-minute train ride away or a five-minute flight away, if you were traveling by Green Lantern ring. Jenna looked at Marie who has yet to look up from her food, as she slowly moves her eggs around with her fork.

"Are all adults just sad? Because I have yet to see a happy one these past few days." Jenna questioned, tilting her head slightly at Marie.

Marie makes a sound of protest, as her hand reaches for her chest. "Ow... ah, oh, when did I become an adult?"

"When you turned eighteen?" Alya looked at her sister weirdly, as she takes a bite of her food. "Like everyone else."

"This is all Kaldur's fault," Marie mutters angrily. "He had to become the leader of the Justice League didn't he, making all of us look old bats. I have you know that you and I have the same age gap as me and him"

"Okay..." Jenna draws pulling her eyes away from Marie to Alya. "Are you ready to go?"

"I'm kind of in the middle of eating." Alya gestures to her plate full of food.

Jenna groans loudly, throwing her head back. "Where's Hal when you need him."

"In space." Both Marie and Alya say the same thing monotonously.

"Oh wow." Jenna looked at the two of them with awe. "That was so cool, you guys totally just spoke at the same time, like you guys were twins. Does that happen a lot or..."

"Hal's always in space when you need him most." Marie cuts her off, "You kind of tee up that for us, we both knew, so we both said it. It's nothing. Anyway... where are you two going?"

"We're planning on hanging out with Jamie, Bart, and Traci, I promise them tickets to the Reyes Sister concert," Jenna answered.

"She promised Bart tickets." Alya correct with a grin, she wiggled her brows, Jenna blushed a deep red.

"N-no, I promised all of them. I offered them to the whole team. It's not my fault that everyone else passed but Jamie, Bart, and Traci."

"She says that." Alya picks up her now empty plate, "But she was directly speaking to Bart as she told the team, this exactly how it went, 'oh... h-hey so, as you, y-you guys know, um... I'm friends with the R-Reyes Sister, and they're having a- a concert in Washington, I was w-wondering if you, you guys would like to go with me.' The girl only wanted Bart to go with her, she wanted to ask him out, but she chickens out, talk about not having the ability to come over great fear."

"That's a lie!" Jenna protested, her face heating up more, as her face turns a deep red. "That's not true, if I wanted just him to go, I would have just asked him."

"Jen, everyone knew that you were trying to ask him out." Alya rolled her eyes, as she washes her dish. "That's why it was only Jamie and Traci who agreed to go with you because of reasons I can't say. And I'm only going because I know that you will make a fool of yourself if you're left alone with Bart and that couple."

"So wait, ran this down for me." Marie holds out her hand. "The couples of the team, are M'gann and Conner right?"

"Yeah." Alya nods.

"Then it's Cassie and Tim?" Marie questions, the two of them had gotten together right after she left, same with Connor and M'gann getting back together. "And then there's Jamie and this Traci girl?"

"Yep." Alya smiles. "And finally we'll have Bart and Jen by the end of the year. I have money on it." Alya turns to Jenna. "So when you get together with Bart make it between Christmas and New Years, or I have to owe Tim a twenty."

"What does Tim need with twenty bucks?" Marie makes a face, "He's literally the kid of a billionaire."

"Oh no we betted twenty hundred."

"What?!" Both Marie and Jenna exclaimed.

"Why didn't you just say two thousand?" Jenna questioned after a moment.

"Are you serious? Where the hell are you going to get two thousand dollars?" Marie demanded her eyes were wide. "And is Jenna's love life worth that much money, oh, I was about to ask is being friends with a rich kid really like this, but I was friends with a rich kid, literally Tim's older brother, and it's not like this. Yeah, the brides were great but the bets were never this high. Seriously where are you going to get the money?"

"I was going to get from Jenna." Alya shrugs, "The girl's loaded, and she's the reason I would have lost the money, so..."

"Oh.." Jenna nods. "That makes sense."

"Wait a minute." Marie shakes her head. "You're just going to bet on her, and if you lose, you're just going to take her money." Marie then looks at Jenna. "You're just going to let her, Jen you can't be serious."

"I mean, it's fine." Jenna shrugs. "I have enough to spare, and it's only two thousand."

Marie makes another sound of protest. "Only two thousand, oh my god, what happened? That kids today have no understanding of how much money is."

"Well I'm ready to go," Alya turns into electricity for a moment before she returns to normal after two seconds, now wearing different clothing. "Ready to be the fifth wheel."

"You know that you don't have to," Jenna tells her as they begin to walk towards the door. "James will be there,"

"Mention his name again, and I will fry your brains." Alya threatens, glaring at the girl.

"Oh well, you could have invited Virgil," Jenna suggests raising her hands in surrender.

Author's Note- Sorry for a short chapter but I think it's a good break from the usual long chapters I be posting :)

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