I Swear I Was Kidding

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December 21; 05:01 PST

Marie sat on the edge of her bed, holding her phone in front of her as the latest episode of Stargirl plays on it. Stargirl was reporting on the Outsider, and who they were, and what they do. Marie narrowed her eyes as she watches in silence.

"This is Courtney Whitmore, your very own Stargirl, reporting on today's hottest stars, The Outsiders!" Courtney said to the camera, "Led by Beast Boy, a.k.a Space Trek star Garfield Logan." An image of Beast Boy popped up next up to the blonde on the screen, "the Outsiders include Geo-Force, better known as meta- Prince Brion of Markovia, Spark, a.k.a Alya Jordan, one of the smartest teens in The United States." Pictures of the two teens show up next to Courtney. Marie feels her heart drop slightly as she is reminded that Alya's identity had been revealed to the public, "plus Blue Beetle, Kid Flash, and the youngest Green Lantern, and two brand-new heroes, Wonder Girl, and Static." Photos of the five heroes joined. "They've already made heroic splashes in Taos, New Mexico; Brooklyn, Maine; and Chicago, Illinois." The teen heroes' images dropped and were replaced with a photo of some of the missions the Outsider went on. "While Hashtag We Are All Outsiders has been trending nonstop for nearly two solid weeks in the U.S! It's bigger than bigly, gang! So, the question is, where will the Outsiders show up next?"

"Cuba," Marie answered the screen with a sigh shutting her phone as she stands up from her bed. Marie stuffed her phone inside her pocket. Static, Beast Boy, Wonder Girl, and Geo-Force were on a mission in Santiago de Cuba. The group had left about an hour ago, as did the Violet, Forager, and Tara, as they had to go to school. The only people left in the building were Victor, James (who was on winter break and didn't want to disturb Aidan's family any more than he has.), Dr. Jace, and herself.

Marie walked out of her room and made her way to the kitchen to see that James was already up and making himself food. Marie walked past him to grab an apple.

"You know," Marie addressed the teen, gesturing at him slightly. "I'm about to quote Dr. Doofenshmirtz; If I had a nickel for every time, I lived with a teenager who merged with an alien crystal and got elemental powers from doing so. I would have two nickels which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice, right."

James looked at her with a shocked expression, "I see why Sam has a crush on you now. You're just her type."

"Wait, what?" Marie looked at the boy confused, James' eyes widen.

"Nothing." James cleared his throat. "Um... so you're not mad at me anymore? Like you're not going to threaten my life while holding a kitchen knife."

"You do know we were told that you break up with my sister again, by my and your future kids, right?" Marie glared at the boy before she takes a bit from her apple. "Proving that my concern is valid."

"Yes, but the future kids I have with your sister. Proves that I will marry her anyway."

"All that proves that at one point in your relationship, my concern won't be valid and that Alya must really like you. If she gets back together with you more than once." Marie retorts, taking another bite from her apple. "I'm surprised that you even lasted that long, though. I would think that either me or Hal, maybe even Dylan, would have beat the shit out of you when you break up with her for the second time. I'm surprised to hear that Hal didn't kick your ass the first time."

"Haha, yeah" James awkwardly took a step back away from the older hero. "Well, this was a good talk, with my girlfriend's very powerful sister that doesn't like me. But I'm going to hang out with my girlfriend's cousin, who only tolerates me now. Bye." James quickly turned into a spark of fire before disappearing.

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