Effective But Horrifying

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September 29; 09:32 CDT

"I don't know why you dragged me into this," Alya muttered with crossed arms as she stands outside of the Allen home. "Marie doesn't even have a kid anymore, she made it disappear out of existence. We're not invited anymore."

Jenna rolled her eyes at Alya, as she rings the doorbell. "We weren't invited because we had a kid, Bart invited us because he wanted to hang out and he knows how much we like kids."

"No, he invited you, not me, because he knows how much you like kids." Alya corrected, " I was nowhere in his invitation, I was just there when he invited you last week, I believe I was an afterthought, he literally said 'Oh Alya, if you want to come you can too.'"

"There! That was an invitation." Jenna grinned, the door opened and Bart stood at the door with a grin. Jenna turned to the boy, her smile widening.

Alya looked at the two with a frown, she huffed, "I'm not doing this, you see I'm single and bitter, and if you need me I'll be with my sister who's also single and bitter." And with that Alya disappeared into a ball of lightning.

"What's got her feeling the mode?" Bart question gesturing to where Alya once stood. Heat rose up Jenna's neck as she was left alone with her crush.

"Uh, things at school are still a little bad," Jenna told him. "You know Alya longer I have, she's currently in her I hate everyone and everything phase. I'm just glad she's hasn't entered her brutally honest and calls it as it is phase. It hurts my feelings."

"Tell me about it." Bart chuckled before he moved over for Jenna to enter the house. "When I first joined the team Alya wasn't the most crash person to be around."

The two enter the house, Bart guides the girl into the kitchen Jenna says a quick hello to Iris as they pass the woman. Bart speeds around the kitchen as Jenna sends out a 1k Wordsworth post of a picture with Alya earlier. Jenna needed to keep up in the media, even though she was taking a break from her channel and the spotlight, it was getting harder and harder to find content as she lived most of her life with masked metas and heroes, who most do not want their abilities showcased. Jenna really hated hiding her awesomeness, she and Hal were the only Green Lanterns who have secret identities. And there wasn't a point when all their foes already knew who they were. Sinestro knows who both Hal and Jenna are, he has kidnapped Marie and Alya are more occasions. Hector Hammond knows who Hal is, and he has also gone after both Marie and Alya. Jenna was happy that no one has ever gone after her parents but that's probably because everyone just assumes, she just another one of Hal's kids.

Bart stops running around and places a sandwich in Jenna's hand. "Ta-da! It's turkey, I remember you told me once that you didn't eat ham because you thought that pigs were too cute to eat, but you eat birds because you find them to the ugliest animals."

Jenna grinned, "Thank you." 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Iris's voice shouted from the other room, "Donnie! Dawn!"

"One sec." Bart sped out of the kitchen and towards his grandmother's voice. Jenna followed him, but you know at a normal speed of walking. She walked into the room, to see Bart holding the twins in his arms and Iris thanking him.

"No, no!" Don turned to Bart. "Down, down!"

"Come on, Dad. Stay whelmed." Bart told the two-year-old.

"Don't call him Dad," Iris ordered Bart, Jenna takes Dawn from his arm and lifted her in the air.

"Oh yeah. Right. Spoilers." Bart said, as Dawn giggles in Jenna's arms. Bart gestures for Jenna to follow him, and the two of them start to walk off with the twins. "Sorry, Grandma."

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