She's Four Years Older Than You

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November 22; 14:00 MST

"Recognized Spark B-2-4, Green Lantern B-3-1." Jenna and Alya walked out of the zeta-tube in Taos together just as Bart was racing around, giving them each a hug. He stopped at Jenna, keeping his arm around her. Alya wiggled her brows at Jenna, causing the Lantern to turn a little pink. Alya didn't want to go to Taos that day; she wanted to spend the day with Marie, but Marie told her that she had plans with Sara and to have fun with the team. Alya crossed her arms as she walks outside with Virgil, Traci, Jamie, Bart, Jenna, and Ed.

They stood waiting for Garfield and Perdita as their helicopter flies down on the helipad. Bart grinned, "Hey, looks like Gardita's in the house!"

Traci elbows Jamie, "Ow!"

"Why didn't you tell me Tork was coming?" Traci questioned her boyfriend as Garfield and Perdita exit the helicopter. Jenna giggled slightly as she covers her mouth.

"Hey, there! Hi, there! Ho there, Gardita!" Bart greets the famous couple.

"Hola," Ed says to the duo.

"Hello boys, Jen and Alya. It's so nice to see you again." Perdita greets them.

"Garfield Logan. Queen Perdita. Meet my girlfriend. Traci." Jamie introduces them as she looks at them excitedly."She's a big fan."

"I'm a big fan!"Traci repeats.

"Hello, Traci." Perdita smiles at her. "Lovely to meet you."

"Hey, Traci." Garfield winks at her.

Traci squeals excitedly, and she elbows Jamie again, "Ow!"

"Oh, and thanks, you guys, for keeping our arrival quiet." Garfield thanked the group. " What a relief not to have to deal with the paparazzi."

"If you say so," Traci tells them, having trouble trying to keep her cool in front of the famous pair. Alya raised a brow at her, but she just shook it off.

"Yeah, I wouldn't know," Jamie said.

"Now, let's get this party started!" Garfield said, and the group pairs off. With Garfield and Perdita, Jamie and Traci walking hand and hand, while Jenna walks beside Bart with a grin, then Alya walking with Ed close to their friends.

"Um, this was supposed to be a team-building day, right?" Virgil questions as they walked. "Cause I'm feeling a little like a, a fifth, sixth, seventh wheel. I mean, so where's the rest of the team? Like, you know, Cassie? And didn't James say he's coming?"

"Cassie's in Gotham, trying to salvage things with Tim," Traci told him, looking back at him.

"I gotta get a girlfriend." Virgil sighed, "And about James?"

"He'll be here later," Alya answers, turning her head back pausing her conversation with Ed. "He'll be here with Sam, Aidan, and Dylan. They wanted to join as well."


"Alya!" Alya was currently waiting in line to get to the bumper cars with the Team and Ed when someone tacked her from behind, causing Alya to stumbled forward. Alya turned her head to see it was Sam who had pushed her. "We have been looking for you everywhere."

Alya looked over Sam's shoulder to see James, Dylan, and Aidan walking over to the group. Virgil practically almost ran over to James once he sees him. James didn't become friends with Jamie and Bart the way that Alya did, he had grower to other people in the Team that Alya wasn't, Virgil being one of them, and Cassie and Robin being the others.

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