6. Training continues

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Jane is trying to kill me training for the marathon.  We have a day off.  I wanted to sleep in. She is ringing my door bell like a mad woman at 8:30 in the morning.  I looked at my camera and see her. I went out with my sisters and my mother,  Hope, to a late night movie comedy.  I was unaware that Jane would be here this early on a Monday morning on a three day weekend.  Jane is not a morning person
I believe Jane has lost her marbles. I drag my behind out of bed. She is eager a little too much for me this morning. " Jane what the heck. You should of told me last. Give me a few to get ready. I need my coffee before we leave.  Please start to brewing for me while I  get ready."
Maura goes upstairs and I hear her talking to someone.  Jack comes down, " morning Jane.  Have fun." 

Maura  comes down and looks at me like don't start

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Maura  comes down and looks at me like don't start. Jane says, "oops, it wouldn't matter.  We need to get 25 miles in this morning before the heat kicks in."

Maura and I  are at 24 mile mark and we come across police tape. Korsak says,  " good we don't have to call you in."

Maura recognizes the lady

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Maura recognizes the lady. I  realize something is not right. " Maura what is it? Who is she?" Maura takes a deep breaths and gets up and walks away. She tells Korsak she cannot work the scene.  " She is my aunt. I  was suppose to meet her for dinner tonight. She wanted to tell me something in person and said it was important but never knew what it was." Jane just holds me. Jane walks Maura the rest of the way back to her place. We are about three miles away from her place. Maura and I stop at the park. Maura just breaks down. I hold onto Maura and just rub her back to calm her down. Maura starts to walk again and then just runs towards her home. I run after her.  I
am close to her. She gets her door unlock and closes and locks the door on me. We have never done this to one another before.  I am not sure if I should leave or force my way in. I  stay outside for awhile and take off and drive to her mother's home, Hope.  I knock on Hope's door.  "Hope is your sister  in town?" "Yes , I  thought you were Becky. She was suppose to be here 15 minutes ago and she is not one for being late." "Hope,  Maura and I were running and we came across a police scene.  I believe Becky is the deceased lady. I am so sorry to tell you. Maura said she was suppose to meet her aunt for dinner tonight. She identified the lady as her aunt. I am so sorry to be the one to break this to you. I am truly sorry for your loss. I need Maura's key to get in. I don't want to break in. " " Jane let me get my purse and have my two daughters come with me so we can be together. I will have Catherine drive us and follow you. I won't tell the girls until we get there. " Jane drives back to Maura's home. Hope rings the doorbell and Maura sees Jane is with her mother and sisters and comes down. " Jane you had no right." Hope interjects, "Maura stop it, she was worried about you and so am I. Now, go sit in the lounge so we can do this together. " Maura stares at me and sits by her youngest sister, Rachelle. " Do you want me or you to tell your sisters?" " Catherine and Rachelle, Jane and I was running and we came across a police scene.  It was aunt Becky.  I didn't stay so I don't know how or why nor does Jane. Jane I am sorry for closing and locking you out of my house.  I left a message for Jack.  He is in the air and won't hear my message until he lands in a
Amsterdam. I am sorry max Catherine and Rachelle. I know you have known Becky longer, but she meant alot to me too." The Martin's just hugged one another.  Hope speaks up. " I  need to call John her husband. Please excuse me. I get up and move towards Maura and open my arms up. Maura moves towards my arms and hugs me.  I kiss Maura's top of her head.  "Maura I am here for whatever you need." "Please call Korsak to find out if they know anything yet." Jane calls Korsak.  " Maura let me get you some juice and please join me. I explain to Maura that it looks like her aunt was raped and beaten." This was all the information they had right now.  Maura and I return to the lounge. Maura informs her mother and sisters.
Hope informs her she is taking the two girls with her so I  can spend time with Jane.  Jane hugs my mother and sisters and walks them to Hope's car.  Maura is taking a hot bath. I secure her home from upstairs and enter the bathroom. She is crying. I remove my tennis, socks my wallet, cell and keys and get behind her in the bathtub and just hold her. She buries her head in my chest. I just hold her and just let her cry as long as she needs. " Maura gets up and says, " Thanks Jane. Let me get you some dried clothes." Maura returns and hands me the clothes. I remove my soaked clothes and dry off. I put on her clothes. Maura is laying in her bed. I joined Maura in her bed. I lay on my back.  Maura moves towards me and places her head on my abdomen. I just stroke her hair until she falls asleep. My cell rings. I move to get my cell. Its Korsak with an update. A video reveals that  her aunt was at a hotel and met a guy there. She chatted it up with him. They went for a walk. The video shows him forcing himself on her, beating her and raping her. The beat cops found the killer.  He was using her credit card at a liquor store than a hotel room.  Her card was finally flagged at the Hilton.  The manager kept the guy busy until officers came and arrested him. Jacob Macon admitted to it all. Samuel's is finishing up the autopsy. Hope has already contacted a funeral home to have her remains cremated as per husband's request.  Hope and the girls will fly back with her remains once she is cremated.  I thank Korsak for the update.  Hope calls me and tells me they will be flying out tomorrow evening to Kansas.  She has booked their flight and purchased tickets for Maura and I. Jane please look out for her. Jane calls Cavanaugh and puts in a vacation request for three days. Maura automatically has five days off. Cavanaugh tells me if I need additional time just text him. I start packing Maura's belongings and pack three black dresses with 3 heels. I have Maura's luggage pack.  I just have to pack my belongings in the morning and meet the Martin's at the airport by 6 pm. I set my cell alarm for nine and get back into bed. Maura feels me get back in bed. I answer her questions which was minimal.  She moves towards me again and I just cuddle with her. I eventually fall asleep. We both wake up around six hungry.  I tell her more in detail about the funeral plans.  " Jane since you packed my items for me and did a heck of a job. Let's stay at your house tonight so you can pack your items.  You live closer to the airport." Maura and I eat dinner. We clean up. She feeds Bass her tortoise  and puts out a weeks food. I carry Maura's luggage to my jeep. I drive to my home and pack my belongings.  We both watch some t.v. for awhile before we head off to bed.

We watched  a few romantic comedies and headed to bed

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We watched  a few romantic comedies and headed to bed.

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