1. Training

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Jane and I are training  for the Boston Massachusetts Marathon. We have trained together for two years but separately for several years. Jane and I go running every chance we get out of work. 

" Jane you have to stretch properly and cool down or your muscles will lock up in laymen terms for you

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" Jane you have to stretch properly and cool down or your muscles will lock up in laymen terms for you. " "Har har thank you for breaking it down.  When you start going off with your medical terminology you usually lose me. "
" Jane I  have been working hard on phrasing my conversations so you and others can understand me. Once you kept pointing it out and I see Frost, Nina,  Frankie, Korsak and Cavanaugh look at me odd than I am realizing they are just agreeing with me but not understanding.  With your help these past two years has helped me tremendously thank you." " Maura I am here to serve and protect even you my nerdy friend." Jane smiles at me.  I give Jane a side hug and we both laugh.
Today we are running five miles and trying to reduce our times per mile. This race is 26 miles 385 yards
(42.195 km) of roads and city streets are closed off starting in Hopkinton and passing through six Massachusetts cities and towns, to the finish line beside the Boston Public Library, on Boylston Street. People usually finish this in two hours.  Maura has it figured out what we should be running for each area. Maura is so analytical and takes the terrain and weather conditions into her evaluation.
I told Maura if we increase our running times we can complete it may be not in the same time as the high caliber of athletes.
" Maura I don't need to finish in the top ten for women. I just want to finish it."

We are improving are times, but we need to get our breathing under control so we don't have a cardiac arrest, pass out or become to hydrated

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We are improving are times, but we need to get our breathing under control so we don't have a cardiac arrest, pass out or become to hydrated. We know along the route,  there will be people giving out water to the runners.
On our way back to Jane's condo, we see children playing with the fire hydrant with water.  Its a very humid and hot day. Jane knocks off the cap of the hydrant so the kids can play. "Jane you know you can get into trouble for that." " Maura we are in a heat wave.  If I am able to give a few kids some relief so be it."  " Jane one day you will be an excellent mom.  Just look how you are with those kids. " " Thanks Maura." Jane and I are near her condo and we
Angela is outside with coffee. Angela tells her this coffee is known to cool people's body temperature.  Angela hands me and Jane coffee cups. Jane smells it. " MA this stuff stinks and you expect me to drink it." "Maura goes into medical mode again. Research has shown that certain brewing methods do lower your body temperature.  They soak the beans in manure..." This is all I had to hear.  I hand MA back the coffee. Our cells ring. Rizzoli Isles. Jane says, "we will be there in a few. " Maura hands Angela the coffee back. Maura wasn't too thrilled about drinking the coffee either. She tosses her in the trash bin located on Jane's street. She was grateful for the telephone call so they could leave.  Angela says, " I  am not giving up. " Angela starts to drink one of the coffees. Jane and Maura take quick showers at Jane's and head out to the homicide scene.

A man was running along the road way and was hit by a hit and run as far as they can tell for the meantime

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A man was running along the road way and was hit by a hit and run as far as they can tell for the meantime.
Everyone is training for the marathon even locals using various running methods and terrain.

Maura bends down and takes the body temperature.  " He was killed last night around 6:30. I will know more after I get him back to the morgue and cut him open." Maura says, " dang another set of heels ruined. "  Jane shakes her and laughs. " Maura they wouldn't be if you dressed in non designer heels and clothing. It wouldn't be." " Jane wearing heels actually helps me build strength in my legs and will help me the race. "
Maura leaves and Jane stays back with her team going through the scene looking for more clues to solve this homicide.

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