3. Training continues

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Maura has these funny shoes on with her tracker on.

Maura has these funny shoes on with her tracker on

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"Maura what the hell and a tracker too. "
" I  want to get a feel for running with these on and the tracker will help me adjust to the exact feeling as well. Each of us will be given a tracker that allows are loved ones to get actual location of us running and reveals our vitals.  I would love to run barefoot but the rules state we must have shoes on. Running barefoot would be healthier for me and my fellow runners. Barefoot running has been proven to reveal less injuries. "  " Maura you can practice in these funny shoes but the day of the race you are not wearing them. I agreed to wearing to wearing the same outfit and to run for a charity but the acronyms will not be used on my chest , P.U.K.E. People United Kidney Education. I have no problem running for Kidney Education but no way in hell on my chest on national tv the word puke. I am glad I was there to see the outfit you were having mad up for us to wear. No puke and no wearing dorky running shoes. Now can we get going before it gets to late so we can run 10 miles."
We ran ten miles and are miles are getting better witn reduce time.
Jane agrees to a chef salad and ice tea for dinner tonight. Yippee its a win for me tonight.
After dinner, we agree to watch a romantic comedy. Jane and I are laughing our asses off. We take showers and head off to bed. We have an early day at work.

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