13. Typical training

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Jane and I wake up and have a bagel with our coffee and head off to the gun range.
Jane continues to have me do drills on the outside course. " Maura since a concealed carry doesn't mean all your shooting will occur indoors so this course will help you with your skills. If you see some cop movies when they are training have good people with bad people to shoot at, its kinda like that. " Concealed carry has lots of responsibilities to it. I do okay. I shoot some innocent targets and that scares me. Jane reminds me that can happen in real life too. I have to look beyond my target. Jane does pretty well. She accidentally shoots a good person and she has lots of training.
Maura now understands even a cop can shoot the wrong person. We pay for our range time and pack our gear up. We keep our earmuffs on until we are in the car. I am glad I passed my conceal carry and took extra training besides with Jane, Frankie and Frost. Jane and I go back to her place to get her bedroom in order. I was helping her fold and hang up her clothes. She teases me about my designer heels. Ha she has practically alot of the same t shirts. " Jane I am going to relieve you of some of your tshirts and sweat pants from the PD. My guest armoire, bring some extra clothing to leave their. " You know we always don't like wearing each other items. " Jane laughs. Jane states, "do you recall how dorky I looked in one of your dresses?" Maura recalls and laugh. Jane was
right. Not all clothes are meant for someone else to look good in. Jane and I have two more days to train before the marathon is here. " Maura lets get dressed for 27 miles today. Jane wants to go over the actual amount of the course. She figures if we can do 27
and not kill ourselves than we should be okay for the maranthon. We go a little over two hours which is good considering we are not marathon runners. We return and take showers. We are meeting my two sisters for dinner at a thai restaurant. We arrive and I hug my sisters. We order our food. I give them each a souvenir from mardi gras. Rachelle laughs,
" okay , did you really take your top off to get these beads?" Jane laughs if you only knew what I had to endure to prevent that ." "I was not that bad."
We are heading out and Hope is walking up to get an order she placed. I just watch her ignore Hope when she tries to speak with her.I give Maura my keys." Hope you asked me to watch out for I am. Please stay away from your daughter. If you keep trying to speak to her and show up places on hoping to talk with her, you are prolonging it. She may never forgive you. Give her time." Catherine and Rachelle just look at Hope and shake their heads. " Jane lets stop by the bakery and pick up some donuts to eat tonight and for work. You know cops love their donuts and coffee." Jane says ,
" whatever lets get some croissants too for breakfast." Maura pigs out on a maple bar, old fashioned glaze and a cinnamon bun. "Maura stress eating wont change the fact you need to move past the hurt and anger you have towards Hope. Yes, its still fresh in your mind and it hurts. " I agree with Jane but won't say it outloud. We are back at Jane's watching a dyi show on how to decorate your kitchen. Jane's next home project is her kitchen. She is not sure if she wants a theme like coke or coffee etcetera. Jane and I head off to her bed to sleep.

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