Fangirl Thor But Actually In Character

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Avengers Tower

Thor burst into the dining room. Percy jumped from the sudden noise, his hand immediately grabbing Riptide from his pocket, though (thankfully) he didn't uncap it. 

. . .would the Avengers be able to see his sword through the Mist?

Fury laughed. "Planning to take on the god of thunder with a pen?"

Thor eyed Riptide. "That is not a normal pen."

"A disguised tranquilizer?" Natasha asked. 

"Um, no, it's just a pen," Percy said. "I'm a little jumpy. Grabbed the first thing in reach."

"May I see your pen?" the god of thunder asked, extending a hand.

"Uh. . . get your own?" the half blood responded.

Thor stared at the teen, a new look of respect in his eyes as he searched Percy's face. "You are not a child of Zeus," he eventually said.

"Uh, what does that have to do with my pen?" Percy responded, slightly weirded out.

"No, not that. Your name. Perseus."

The teen laughed. "Yeah, my mom was super into Greek mythology. She named me after a hero."

"Is that hero some sort of relative? Somehow distantly related?"


"I would like to know if you are somehow related to the hero Perseus."

"Uh. . . "

"Thor, what's your point?" Tony asked. 

Thor sighed. "Asgard is not the home of the only gods in the universe."

"Wait, what?" Bruce asked. 

"There are other. . . families. . . of gods."

"Like the other types of mythology?" Peter asked. "That's so cool!"

"Not cool. Potentially dangerous," Fury corrected. "Why didn't we know about this before?"

The god of thunder shrugged. "I did not think it important."

"Not important? The last time we clashed with a group of gods, your brother nearly destroyed New York!"

"Yes, but these gods are. . . different."

"How different?" Bruce interjected.

Thor sighed. "My family lives on Asgard, in a different realm. These other gods are members of this world. They are mixed among you humans."

"This conversation isn't over," Fury narrowed his eyes, "but how does any of this relate to the kid?"

"Well, sometimes. . . the other gods. . . have children. . ." Thor gestured slightly towards Percy.

"You think he's a godling?" Bruce asked.

"No. . . a half-godling."

Percy smiled. "Half-godling? Like half human and half god?"

"Do you dispute this?"

The teen shrugged. "It doesn't matter; you can't prove it. But I want to know: which god?"

Thor took a deep breath and focused on Percy. "The original Perseus was a child of Zeus, but you do not look like him. I would say your father is likely his brother, Poseidon."

"The ancient sea god," Tony mused. "Why?"

"He is the spitting image."

"You know the ancient Greek gods?" Natasha asked.

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