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You find yourself still in the hospital wing, but now, there's sunlight streaming in through the windows, and Ron's bed is empty. You glance up at the clock on one of walls, and sure enough, you've gone back three hours.

"Alright," you say, in a hushed voice as you guide Harry and Hermione out of the room, "We have to do this as quickly as possible, and without being seen. Where are you two right now? The other you," you add, when Harry looks at you, still clearly confused.

"Heading down to Hagrid's," Hermione answers promptly, "We should be, that is."

"Okay," you say, mostly to yourself, as the gears start turning in your head, "That means I'm still with Remus, at least for a little while. And that we still have time until Sirius takes Ron to the Whomping Willow..."

You search your brain for something - anything - that will lead you in the right direction. You're responsible for saving Sirius, but how? Dumbledore wasn't much help, after all, but you remember him saying something to Hermione...

"What was that that Dumbledore said? Something about two lives?" you ask, beginning to head outside, motioning for Harry and Hermione to walk with you, on either side of you.

"He said we can save two innocent lives, but..." Hermione trails off.

"Buckbeak!" Harry exclaims, too loud, and Hermione shushes him before he continues, his voice significantly quieter, "Buckbeak. He's the other innocent life! We still have time, we just have to hurry down there. And then-then Sirius can escape on him!"

Amongst the other events of the night, you had completely forgotten about the execution of Hagrid's hippogriff, Buckbeak, but you know that Harry's right, so you let him and Hermione lead the way out to Hagrid's cabin. You know that this is really where you have to start being cautious, to avoid running into the other versions of yourselves.

Sure enough, as you approach the cabin, you see its door opening, so you grab Harry and Hermione by their sleeves and pull them behind a tree, just at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. It's an odd feeling, seeing them across the field, even though they're standing right next to you. You can't imagine how much worse it will be when you add yourself to the mix, which will be soon.

You see Buckbeak, standing behind the cabin, one end of a long, heavy-looking rope around his neck, while the other end is tied in a knot around a post of the fence.

You turn back to see that Ron, along with the other Harry and Hermione, start walking away, just as Dumbledore, along with Fudge and a man you don't recognize - but who has a deep scowl etched on his face - enter the cabin.

"This is our chance," you hiss, and before you can give any instructions, Harry darts out from your hiding place and across the field, towards Buckbeak.

"Harry," Hermione whines, bouncing with stress as her eyes dart between the two Harrys.

You watch anxiously, too, because you know that if Harry gets caught untying Buckbeak, you'll have an even bigger problem on your hands, and also because you know that you yourself are bound to come running out of the castle at any second.

Harry starts walking back towards you, practically dragging Buckbeak after him, who is considerably larger than you thought. Just as they're back with you and Hermione, the four men start walking out of Hagrid's cabin, and you hear a shout as they realize that Buckbeak is gone.

"What now?" Hermione asks, twirling her wand between her fingertips as you start walking along the edge of the Forest, still hidden behind the trees. You need to be able to see the Whomping Willow, and sure enough, once it comes into view, you see yourself, disappearing into the tree, followed by Harry and Hermione.

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