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Disclaimer: This chapter contains some 18+ material

Remus finally shows up to your room after a little while, acting as if nothing happened. You don't question it, and you try not to think about it too much as the two of you spend the rest of the day together.

The next week, thankfully, passes without any other incident. Remus goes about acting as if nothing happened, and Snape goes back to simply glaring at him over meals. You, on the other hand, are a bit on edge, though you suppose that's a usual thing nowadays. 

You have quite a bit on your mind as the next year arrives, and with it, all of the students who had gone home for the holidays. While you had enjoyed the empty castle, it's nice to hear the familiar sounds of loud laughter and running footsteps in the halls between classes. 

Snape keeps you busy: busier than you were last term. You're gradually getting more and more involved with his classes, which means more work to grade and more planning for lessons. Remus, on the other hand, is giving Harry Patronus lessons outside of class time, and between all of your respective responsibilities, there's little time to spend together that isn't at meals or late at night.

Soon enough, the entire school is preparing for the next Quidditch match, which is Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw. But the day before, what the students are buzzing about isn't the match itself, but instead, Harry's Firebolt.

"Harry got his broom back?" you ask Severus between classes.

"Yes," he says, sounding as uninterested as possible, "Apparently there was nothing wrong with it."

That's unusual to you, because while you're obviously glad that Harry's Firebolt wasn't jinxed, you can't imagine why Sirius Black would send him a perfectly fine broom. Or maybe it wasn't Black at all, and you all were overthinking it.

Either way, as the days pass with no further sign of Black, your nerves ease. You're ready for a Quidditch match, and you're looking forward to seeing Harry on his brand new broom.

The day of the match, the weather is perfect. Though it's a bit chilly, considering it's February, the sky is clear and the sun is bright: nothing like Gryffindor's last match. As you're bundling up in your room, preparing to head out to the pitch, there's a knock on your bedroom door. You finish wrapping your scarf around your neck as you walk across the room, pulling open the door to reveal Remus. While he's slightly paler than usual, and the bags under his eyes darker considering the full moon is about five days away, when he smiles at you, you feel your stomach erupt into the familiar butterflies that you always feel with him.

"Hello, darling," he greets you, leaning forward and kissing your forehead. "All ready to go?"

"All ready," you confirm, kissing him lightly on the lips before stepping out of the room and shutting the door behind you.

The two of you haven't spoken about the broom or Snape's accusations any further after Christmas, apart from a casual comment last night about how it hadn't been jinxed. After that, the topic was dropped. You're not sure how you feel about the whole thing, but you've pushed it to the back of your mind, which seems to be the easiest way to go about things lately.

The two of you walk side by side out of the school and down to the Quidditch pitch, at the same time that most of the students are, too. There's an infectious air of excitement, especially from the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors, who are donned from head to toe in their respective house colors.

"Professor Lupin! Miss Y/L/N!"

You recognize the voice to be Ron Weasley's before turning around. He runs up to you and Remus, a wide, excited grin on his face. You exchange a small smile with Remus. Neither of you have seen Ron in a good mood over the last few days, which you learned, thanks to Harry, that it was because of an incident with his rat and Hermione's cat. But now, he looks more lively than ever.

Kiss the Teacher || Remus Lupin x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن