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Per usual, the next day, Remus is back to acting as if nothing happened the night before. But there's not much time to think about it, because you spend the day working with the rest of the staff on new and improved security measures to ensure that another break in doesn't happen.

However, despite everything, you really doubt that it's going to work, though you don't admit that to anyone. But, you can tell that Remus is thinking the same thing. If the dementors can't even track down Black, what good is anything else going to do?

You ended up learning that Neville was partially responsible for the whole mess, due to him losing his list of passwords for the Gryffindor common room, which Black found once he'd gotten into the castle. McGonagall was absolutely furious, and while you understand the danger, you can't help but feel bad for Neville.

On the Monday morning after the break-in, you watch as the post comes in, and with it, a familiar looking red envelope, which is dropped right in front of Neville.

"Must be from his grandmother," Remus murmurs, leaning over to you, his eyes on the Howler as well. The two of you watch as Neville grabs ahold of the envelope, his face nearly as red as it, and sprints out of the Hall. 

However, it's not much use. You wince as hear the booming voice of Neville's grandmother escaping the Howler, shrieking about how ashamed she is.

You exchange a look with Remus. You know that he, like yourself, has grown to like Neville quite a bit, and both of you have tried to take him under your wing as much as you can over the last several months of school. You, especially, since you get a first hand view of how Snape treats him.

Over the next week, there's a bit of distant between you and Remus, even after the full moon passes. There's no doubt in your mind that it's because of whatever was going through his head the night of Black's break-in, though you still have no idea what that was about.

That Saturday, there's another Hogsmeade trip. You catch Neville looking rather disappointed at breakfast; part of his punishment was that he was banned from Hogsmeade for the remainder of the school year. Maybe he and Harry can spend the day together. They seem to get along well enough.

After breakfast, as the students are leaving for Hogsmeade, you and Remus decide to go on a walk, considering he's recovered since the full moon. It's a beautifully sunny day, and not all that cold. You find yourselves walking down to the greenhouses, and as you do, you reach out to hold Remus's hand. He smiles over at you, and you feel the sudden urge to ask about what's going on the past week.

Before you gather up the courage to do so, Remus looks over at you, a small smile still tugging at the corners of his mouth, his hazel eyes bright in the sunlight.

"What is it?" he asks, "You look like you want to say something."

"I just want to know where you've been this last week," you admit after a moment of hesitation, "I know you said you're alright, but after the break-in... I don't know. You've been distant."

Remus's smile falters, and you mentally curse yourself for bringing it up.

"I know I have," he says, "and I'm sorry. I just can't help but be reminded of the past when these things happen."

You offer him a sympathetic smile as the two of you stop by the greenhouses and turn to face each other. You look out, past him, at the Forbidden Forest, and you swear you see something moving, just behind the first row of trees. Then again, you're probably just imagining things.

"I figured. I'm sorry." You think about his odd reaction to you telling him about Ron's rat, but you'll leave that be. For now, that is. "Is there anything I can do?"

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