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Another full moon comes and goes, along with the end of the term, which means yet another Hogsmeade trip before students head home for the holidays. You're in Snape's classroom around the time that they leave for the village, quietly arranging supplies.

"Any plans for the holidays, Severus?" you ask, simply to break the deafening silence. Things have remained oddly civil between you two over the last few weeks, and thankfully, he never caught wind of the fact that you were under the desk in Remus's office that one evening.

"What do you think, Y/L/N?" he replies from his seat at his desk.

"I was just making conversation," you say curtly in return. You see him look up at you, narrowing his eyes, out of the corner of your eye as you place a new jar of Gillyweed on a shelf.

"And what of you? More sneaking around with Lupin, I presume?"

You look over your shoulder at him, pursing your lips tightly. He raises an eyebrow at you, smirking slightly.

"Is that a problem?"

His smirk fades as he looks you up and down quickly, a look of disapproval clear on his face, and you sigh inwardly. You know you're about to get another lecture on why he believes Remus is a terrible person. When will he just give it up?

"Did you ever discuss with him what I told you about his murder attempt? Does he know that you know the fact that he and Black were friends?" Snape asks.

You turn your back, picking at the peeling label on a jar of Gurdyroot.

"No," you admit, quietly.

"And why, Y/N, is that?" he snaps, raising his voice, "Because you want to hide from the truth as long as possible? Because what you don't want to see him for what he truly is: a vile, inhumane creature?"

Your anger blazes inside of you at his words, but you try to keep your tone as even as possible as you speak.

"Because I don't quite trust your judgment," you say as you turn around to face him. You hold steady eye contact with him, despite his icy gaze. "After all, you were - and are still - the only one to ever have anything bad to say about Remus. Harry Potter, too, who, in my opinion, is nothing like you made him out to be. I think that you pick and choose the people you don't like and attempt to make their lives a living hell. Am I wrong, Severus?"

And this, apparently, is the wrong thing to say.

"You," he hisses, pushing himself up from his desk, "are entirely insufferable, Y/L/N, and I am going to get you removed from your position." Your heart drops as he continues, because you sense that he's not just threatening you. You really crossed the line this time. "The last thing I need is a know-it-all assistant with a short temper and an affinity for disgusting, low-life monsters-"

"Fine, then," you shout, finally losing your temper, "Go run off to Dumbledore and complain to him that you're upset that Remus and I have formed a relationship even though it doesn't concern you at all, and everything that I do do that concerns you makes your job easier! See if I care!"

He shoots one last glare at you before leaving the classroom. You feel tears burning at the backs of your eyes, but quickly blink them away. Technically, since Dumbledore hired you, you don't think that he would fire you for something as silly as this, but the fear still lingers. You need this position if you ever want to become a full-time professor one day, which you absolutely do. And plus, if you lose your job, you won't be able to see the your coworkers or the kids - who you've grown to love - anymore, not to mention Remus.

You leave the classroom, not sure where to go exactly. You want to pull yourself together a bit before heading to see Remus, and you don't want to go to Dumbledore's office - not while Snape's there, anyway.

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