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The next month or so of school flies by, between the increasing workload of your job, dealing with Snape's constant bad attitude, visits with Remus after hours, and being in the middle of their rivalry. Unfortunately, you haven't quite yet found the opportunity to make a move on Remus, but you definitely revel from every brush of your hand against his and all the shared smiles.

Something you've noticed lately is Remus's absences. He did tell you that he falls ill quite often, and you saw that firsthand both in September and earlier this month, in October. Both times he was gone for a full day, and returned looking very pale and sickly. You stopped by his office both times that he was missing, but it was empty, and you couldn't find him anywhere, not even in the hospital wing.

There was that, plus the fact that he won't tell you any details about his condition, or let you make him any potions to help ease whatever illness he suffers from. Whatever it is, you're determined to get to the bottom of it.

Today, though, is Halloween, which means that it's the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. You smile as you watch the students pass, wrapped up in heavy jackets, whispering excitedly to each other as they form their groups. You remember going to Hogsmeade yourself as a student, when you would put aside just the right amount of money to buy treats at Honeydukes, or, once you got older, when you would wait to see if anyone would ask you to go with them that weekend.

As soon as the students leave, you decide to take advantage of the quiet castle. You stroll the corridors, the only noise coming from your footsteps, gazing up and around at the portraits. You miss being a student at times, with hardly any cares in the world besides your essays that you had left until the last minute. And there were plenty of those.

You stop by Remus's room, but he's busy with Harry, so you leave them be and continue to roam around by yourself. You feel bad that Harry was left behind, but you're glad at he has Remus to keep him company, although you do wish that you were the one who was being kept company by Remus.

You eventually make your way to the library, carefully choosing a book before settling in to read. You're not sure how much time has passed, but you're about a quarter of the way through the book when you hear quiet footsteps approaching. You glance up, somewhat surprised to see Harry, who looks rather stressed.

"Hi, Harry," you greet him softly, closing your book and setting it down next to you, "What can I do for you?"

"Do you think that Snape would ever attempt to poison Lupin?" he blurts, running his fingers through his unruly mess of hair while avoiding your eyes.

You take a moment to process his question. Where the hell would he get such an idea?

When you don't answer, he continues: "I was in with Lupin, which you know, and Snape stopped by with some sort of potion. He gave it to him, and Lupin said it helps with his health problems, but is that true? Snape hates Lupin, doesn't he? Why would he ever help him?"

"Um," you begin, clearing your throat as you take in all of that information. He makes a good point, actually, but you're not going to tell him that and fuel his concerns. Why would Snape be helping Remus, and especially after you offered Remus help yourself? Does he not trust you, or your abilities? Your heart sinks a little at the thought, but you mask that feeling from Harry, as well.

"Harry, I-I'm sure it wasn't poisoned. I do agree that Snape is not very fond of, um, Professor Lupin, but maybe Dumbledore asked him to help or something," you suggest, hoping that you sound convincing.

Harry just looks at you, and you know that you really didn't help anything and that he's still convinced that Remus has been poisoned. You push yourself up out of your seat, motioning for Harry to walk with you out of the library.

"How about I go check on him," you say as the two of you walk the halls, "and make sure he's okay? Plus, I do believe that your friends will be getting back from Hogsmeade soon. Try not to stress yourself out too much, alright?"

Harry shoves his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, looking down at his feet. "Alright," he mutters.

You exchange goodbyes before parting ways, you heading in the direction of Remus's classroom. Once you get there, you knock quietly on the opened door to announce your entrance. Remus is standing with his back towards you, in front of a tank holding what you recognize to be a grindylow, but he turns to look over his shoulder upon hearing you.

"Y/N! Come on in," he greets you with his usual smile. You eye a goblet sitting on his desk as he speaks, and once you walk closer, you realize that it's empty. You wished you could have caught him while drinking it, maybe, to see if you could get a glimpse of what Snape had made him.

"I'm sorry about turning you away earlier. Harry wasn't allowed to go to Hogsmeade, and I know he was a bit disappointed about it, so I was showing him my grindylow. Interesting little creatures, don't you think?" he muses, looking back over at the tank.

"Oh, it's perfectly okay, Remus," you assure him, joining him at the tank and standing by his side. Your arm brushes against his. "I saw Harry myself a few moments ago. He, um, had a rather interesting concern."

"Oh?" Remus looks down at you, his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

You gaze up at him, watching a smile play on his lips before meeting his eyes. You feel your cheeks warming at the intense eye contact and being so close to him, so you turn away, looking back to the grindylow as it pokes the glass of the tank with its long fingers.

"He seemed worried that Snape is trying to poison you."

Remus lets out a short laugh. You look back over at him and you can't help but smile, watching him as he walks over to his desk. He smiles to himself, looking down at the empty goblet and tracing a single finger along the rim in thought.

"I can't say I didn't suspect that that was what Harry was thinking. What did you tell him?" Remus asks.

"I told him that I'm sure Snape, no matter how much he seems to dislike you, would never attempt murder, but either way, that I would check on you and make sure you're alive. And here you are," you explain, smiling and walking over. You sit on the edge of his desk, a few inches away from him. Remus chuckles, and you decide to continue.

"If you, um, don't mind me asking, why does Snape dislike you so much?"

And why would you let him help you, but not me? you think.

Remus's smile fades, and he looks back down at the goblet, seemingly avoiding your eyes.

"Let's just say that we've always had our differences."

That's most certainly not the answer you were hoping for, and hardly an answer at all, but you don't push it. Not now, at least. But you can't help but wonder what he's hiding, and why, especially now that you consider him a friend. Does he not think the same of you?

"You really don't need to worry, Y/N," Remus says, looking up to meet your eyes again, "Okay?"

"Yeah," you murmur, dropping your gaze and sliding off the edge of his desk, preparing yourself to leave. If only he would open up to you, if only he would trust you-

"I have to get going. Make sure Snape doesn't need anything from me before the feast tonight," you say, turning away and making your way towards the door.

"Alright. Uh, I'll see you then, Y/N?"

You glance over your shoulder, offering Remus a small smile. Still, you can't read his expression, and it drives you mad.

"See you then, Remus."

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