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"Expelliarmus!"  Black shouts before you can even think to react, and you watch in horror as your wand is torn out of your hand, Harry's and Hermione's as well. Black catches the wands and looks over the four of you, his cracked lips parting to reveal a yellowed smile.

"It's about time," he croaks in a raspy voice. You hold your arms out to either side of you, blocking Harry and Hermione as best as you can, while Ron still sits on the floor, clutching his rat - who apparently is still alive, contrary to his prior belief - in his lap. "I've been waiting for this for a long, long time."

"You killed my parents!" Harry yells, and he pushes your arm aside as he passes you, sprinting across the room towards Black, who he lunges at and tackles to the ground. They both hit the wooden floor heavily, Harry reaching for Black's hands, trying to pry your wands out of his fingertips.

"Harry, no!" Hermione calls.

You start forward, grabbing your wand out of Black's hand while Harry while has him distracted. Once you've got your wand back in your possession, you grab Harry's forearm with your other hand, pulling him up as best as you can and shoving him away across the room, back towards the others. Once Harry is out of the way, you Disarm Black as he struggles back up to his feet, holding out your wand with one hand as you offer the other three wands back to their owners, keeping your eyes trained on Black in case he tries something.

Here you are, face-to-face with the mass murderer that's been on the loose for nearly a year now, and you have him disarmed. But, what now?

Thankfully, you don't have to make that decision, because the door flies open, and you're filled with relief as Remus bursts into the room.

"Remus, thank Merlin!" you exclaim, "It's him, we've got Black-"

But much to your shock, Remus glances between you and Black, and looking at your outstretched hand that's holding your wand, which is still aimed right at Black, he says, "Expelliarmus!", succeeding in disarming not only you, but Harry, Ron, and Hermione, as well.

Clutching your wands, Remus ignores you completely as fear and confusion fills you. You watch, putting out your arms to keep the kids back again, as he turns towards Black, reaching out to grasp the other man's shoulder.

"It's him, Remus," Black says, his voice barely above a whisper, just loud enough for you to hear it from across the room.

"I know, I know," Remus replies, his back to you, "We'll get it taken care of."

Snape was right.

You push away the sinking feelings of hurt and disappointment as rage quickly replaces it.

"What the fuck, Remus?"

He looks back to you in surprise, as if he forgot you were there for a moment. You feel yourself shaking as you try to steady your breathing, considering you are completely disarmed and the sole protector of three kids as you face the mass murderer and now, the man you love who you thought you knew.

You will learn that some are not who they appear to be in the first week of June.

It was him. This whole time, and you had trusted him-

"Y/N, let me explain-"

"No, Remus," you interrupt, "I trusted you this whole fucking time, defending you to Severus Merlin knows how many times, only for him to be right? You knew-" You pause, thinking back to when you saw the dog lingering at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and your stomach turns as you remember Remus's odd behavior afterwards, "Merlin's beard, Remus, you knew he was an Animagus this whole time! And you helped him into the castle, too, didn't you? You lying bastard!"

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