7 | alexander v. su

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Su twirled her broadsword, moving to stab a man. Though, she was stopped by a massive hand grabbing her. She cough as the air was forced out of her lung.

"Su!" Evergreen yelled.

She looked over, and saw Alexander before he pulled her through a wall. She winced as she smashed through the wall. Coughing once more, she was dropped to the floor.

Jumping up and propping herself up with her sword, she glared at the man.

"So, Alexander." Su said, glaring at the man. "We meet again. How was your prison break?"

"Shut up, you insolent fairy." Alexander snapped, sending a blast of fire towards Su.

She twirled her blade, dispersing the flames. Narrowing her eyes, she ex-quipped the blades. She slid her feet out, widening her stance.

"I've come here for one reason." Su said, "Stop your crimes and return to prison."

"As if. Regardless of how many times you try to stop me, I will take control of this province." Alexander snapped. "Eventually, all of Fiore will be under my control, and pesky immigrants like you will be forced out."

"Aren't you from Bosco?" Su questioned.

Alexander narrowed his eyes.

"How did you know that?" The Fire Mage snapped.

"Your t's. You've hidden it well, but from someone outside of Fiore, your dialect is clear." Su said, "Can't blame you, t sounds can be hard sometimes."

Alexander roared with fury as sent a barrage of attacks towards Su. She narrowed her eyes, clapping her palms together.

"Two Layered Magic Circle: Absorb!"

The fire was sucked up and absorbed into Su's magic circle. Su jumped forward, keeping the magic circle in front of her to absorb the massive bursts of flames being shot at her. Once she was close enough, she swung her leg out, kicking Alexander in the face and punting him back slightly.

"You little bitch!" Alexander yelled, "Hellfire's Tide!"

Massive white-blue flames burst around the room, encircling Su. She frowned slightly at the heat, which Alexander picked up on.

"Oh, did you forget how hot my flames are?" Alexander smirked, "How about I burn those pretty clothes off and you can give me a nice show."

"As if." Su said, scoffing. "Bring it on, ginger shit."

The two jumped at each other, trading blow for blow with one another. Su cursed as her jacket caught fire. Unzipping her jacket, she chucked it into the fire.

"Oh, are you giving me that show now?" Alexander smirked, wiping some blood off his cheek.

Su stayed silent, jumping forward and swinging at Alexander.

"You're predictable, sweetie." Alexander purred.

Su narrowed her eyes, feeling anger rile up in her body. She clapped her palms together.

"Five Layered Magic Circle: Sacred Song!"

Alexander looked up as a tower of magic circles appeared above him, before blasting him with a huge force of energy. Fire burst out of the tower in unexpected flows. Su jumped out of the way, watching as the her attack cleared and rather singed Alexander stood, panting.

"That's.... That's Mystogan's spell. When did you learn that?" Alexander huffed.

"A book."

Alexander let out a strangled battle cry before jumping upwards towards Su, gathering fire around his hands.

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