I bit my lip eyeing him before reaching back and unclipping the chain. "So Mr. Imposter...What do I do?"

He chuckled shaking his hand. "What does it say? Use your hand."

I read the words on the back of the pendant and sighed. "Even if it does do something I won't believe you're actually my dad," I placed the pendant in my right hand and balled my fist. "So what is it supposed to-" My breath hitched as a bright light flashed.

And then a searing pain spread throughout my head.

It was excruciating but, I didn't care about that.

I cared more so about the flood of memories I was receiving...Memories from my past lives.

It was all happening so fast.

Every memory.

The memories of three lives.

My first life.

Me as a Phoenix trapped in a castle because I had to hide or else I would die which inevitably happened...My dad- My actual dad Re. 

He was actually an Egyptian God and not a Greek God. Before all the Egyptians got locked up for trying to take over, he met my mom and fell in love...Had me. He protected my mom from the other Egyptians...He also protected Zeus who was forever grateful and in return, he helped my dad evade being locked up with the rest of the Egyptians by pretending to be a new Greek God...The Phoenix. He had to stay in his bird form when in public so that no one would catch onto who he truly was which is why I had to be locked up in a Castle...So no one would know that I was the daughter of Bennu...The Egyptian Sun God. He then created his own people in hopes of making an army strong enough to kill the Egyptians for good but, the Gods didn't like the thought of a new army stronger than all others so they killed them all before they could reach their full strength.

Once my father died along with the rest of his creations, the other Phoenix's, I was found out and murdered. 


My actual mom...Is Lilith. She wasn't a demon but instead, a very powerful witch that later on down the road got coined a demon as she went to live on Earth with the humans. Before that, in Olympus, she was a respected Witch...The creator of witchcraft to be more specific...The creator of magic to be even more specific. She has no parents because she was birthed accidentally by God who was trying to create the first angel. His goal was to give Angel's souls instead of just making them entities. However, he didn't take into account that a soul needs a vessel and discarded his mistake on Mount Ida. That soul with no body merged with every element in search of something to attach itself to in order to live off of...When it couldn't find a human body...It created its own vessel by merging every element into body parts. Fire became her heart, Earth became her brain, Water became her blood, and Air became her skin shaping and forming her body.

Memories of them raising me, the pain of finding out my dad was dead, meeting my soulmates for the very first time, meeting Hathor, enemies I made, people I...Met...Everything.

Then my second life...You guys already know the basis of that story.

Along with my third life which is what I lived before Haden killed me.

All the memories I didn't remember from my Second Life bombarded me as everything became clear. Everything I learned living my first life...How to control my powers and use them at their full strength.

My parents during my second life.

Matthew and Ruth King...What they taught me about the Tulpa, Gods, everything.

I felt my legs give out as my vision began to fade. I fell into someone's arms and clenched my eyes shut. I blinked a few times, my vision blurry before it cleared up.

Old LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora