"Um- um, your eyes. P-pretty. And Damian. And-um," her eyes dart frantically around the room. "D-desks, and-and your bag, and my-my painting." She sobs out.

"Good, my girl. Now take a deep breath and tell me four things you can hear," Cady says softly.

"Air-air conditioning. And- there's a bird outside, sounds- sounds pretty. Uh- me. Me c-crying, and um. Um, you t-talking."

"Great job, sweetheart. Another deep breath, and tell me three things you can feel."

"Uhm- you're holding me, and D-Damian touching my back, and-and the floor is really hard," She breathes, calming slightly.

"You're doing so good, darling. Now tell me two things you can smell," Cady comforts, pulling her just a bit closer. Janis told her pressure helps, just like her meltdowns.

"You-um. Your perfume, I like it-it. And uh. Um. The paint remover stuff," Janis chokes out, trying to match her breathing.

"Good job, dearest, you're almost done. What's one thing you can taste?"

"Um. Your water bottle. Like met-metal," She manages, her sobs gradually slowing to a stop as she goes totally boneless in Cady's lap.

"How do you feel, Janjan?" Damian asks, taking hold of her for a second so Cady can get more comfortable before handing her back. It hurts a little, to know he's not her main source of comfort anymore. But he knows Cady's good for her, and that the bond he has with her will always be special to both of them. That's all that really matters.

"Shitty, tired, the usual. My chest hurts," Janis says quietly, sniffling a little. Damian grabs her some damp paper towels to clean her face with.

"Can you tell me what happened now, Jellybean?" Cady asks, cradling her carefully.

"I'm- I'm failing math and science," Janis mutters, on the verge of tears again. "B-but I need those credits to-to graduate, they said if I can't get my grades up by the end of the month that I won't get to walk and I have to make them up in s-summer school." Janis is supposed to leave for college with Damian in July, summer school means she'd have to withdraw for her first semester.

"Oh, my bluejay, no wonder you were so upset. But why didn't you tell me, darling? I can tutor you in math, you know that," Cady exclaims, kissing her red cheek softly.

"Yeah, and I can help with science, Janjan, you're not doing this alone," Damian adds, rubbing her arm.

"I-I can't pay either of you for that right now. And I didn't want you to think I'm s-stupid," Janis chokes. Cady hands her the water bottle again, which she takes gratefully.

"Janis, we would never. We know you better than that," Damian admonishes. "You're top of our class in English, you're nearly acing history, you just need a little boost to get caught up in math and science."

Cady pipes up again, adding, "And you don't have to pay us, Jayjay. You helped me with English last month and didn't make me pay, remember?"

"Yeah, I-I just feel like I'd be taking advantage or-or something, I don't know," Janis mumbles.

"You won't be, Jan. But if it bugs you that much there's other ways you can pay us," Damian offers. "Like, for every hour I spend doing science with you, you have to watch one episode of Drag Race with me or something."

That gets a weak grin out of Janis. "I can live with that. W-what about you, Caddy?" She asks weakly, seeming almost afraid.

"There's that beautiful smile," Cady chuckles, leaning down to kiss her. "How about... every hour of math, I get half an hour as little spoon and... three really good kisses?"

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang