Everybody was silent and regret was far from Innah's eyes. She was still angry. She muttered something and rose up glad that Layla would be living because she couldn't bring herself to live together with Layla and her so called daughter.

While Usman was out sitting by the street, Gwoggo and her brother had a little chit chat while he was stressing how he had tried to find Layla which was all in vain. He mentioned the visit of Alhaji Hussein and if that was the case, none of them knew the house except Layla.

"You should console her so she tell you the house. I'll prefer Layla staying with you because the animosity with her mother is scary. I can't undo the will of Allah. That child was destined to grace the world and how shameful would it be to try to avert the creatures silly talk in exchange to facing the creator? Subhanallah!! My sins are enough burden to me."

Gwoggo understood her brother and she felt pity toward him. It was a trying time for him and his daughter for his wife was crazy.

" she's busy with nursing her daughter and the whole motherhood thing and I see she loves it. It's like a coping skills for her. When I feel she's ready, we'll talk and she'll take me there."

With that, Layla came out carrying Rahama and bid her father bye not sparing a glare for Innah. Gwoggo wanted to talk her out of it but for some reason, Innah deserved it.

Noor had confirmed her greatest fear and was soaked in sweat as she held the PT strip showing two red lines. How could she have allowed herself to get pregnant in a marriage she had been belittled to almost nothing? How did she expect that he wanted this or this would make him happy? She knew it was wrong to have this. She rinsed her face and sluggishly walked back to her room. Unexcited.

Zayyad walked in the house in a black top and khaki trouser. He was radiant and his stride was agile. He checked the living room and couldn't find her so he walked to her room. He found her laying in bed her eyes closed. She was napping.

Zayyad watched Noor and it was as though he was seeing her for the first time. She looked so peaceful in her sleep and he wished he could be as peaceful. He, for the first time noticed something in her.Innocence.

She looked so innocent and it reminded him of Layla. He felt he had drained the vibrancy of the poor girl who was so eager and so in love with the idea of being married to him.

Noor's eyes flicked opened and then set on Zayyad almost immediately. The flutter of her heart at the sight of him made her realized how hopeless she was in love with this devil. Subtly, she was beginning to hate him but just the sight of him was enough to revive everything in her that long for him. She had however promised to not be an object of his lust so, even at the cost of her own ease of mind, she would reject him this time. So help me God.

He walked graciously toward her and she couldn't let her eyes off him. It was enough to just sit and watch him walk and eat and oh sleep. That could feel her heart with so much warmth and love. When he reached close to her, he looked at the strip pack beside her and looked back his eyes dilating with sheer joy.

"Are we expecting a mini us?"

Noor had to blinked to be sure it was true but there he sat goofy, his scent filling her nostrils. Would he really be glad if she tell him the truth? Did he want her to have his child? He hasn't been a good husband how would he make a good father? She could feel herself flared at how he was using his weapon seduction to woo her again and she was falling for it.

"Stop behaving like everything it's okay Zayyad. We all know it is not. This is not how my father gave you my Amanah. This is annoying for you to just walk in and pretend like we're fine and we have some good happy home. Cut this crap please." He eyes were beginning to fill up with tears.

"Ssshhh. I'm sorry." His voice was so low she wasn't sure he said it. He inched closer and held her in a hug while she just sat there not aware where her life was heading to.

Days slowly passed and it was months and all Layla was interested in was her baby. She felt random flashbacks of everything and her mood swings from happy to sad frequently. There was incessant nightmares and cries for no reason. She knew she was sick or going crazy and it was only the idea of revenge that kept her going.

Usman was aware of everything happening in the house and he had observed Layla's every move before he concluded she needed to see a therapist. What happened to her was traumatic and she was young. Motherhood was also overwhelming so he decided to take her to see his friend who was a Therapist.

He had to plead with Gwoggo tirelessly before she agreed to their appointment with the doctor.

On a Monday morning, he drove them to the hospital and parked at the psychiatric center. He lead the way and Layla trailed behind scared what would happened. Rahama was on her back and was fast asleep.

The office was a small room with a table at the far end behind which a man sat on a chair. They were charts on the wall and different diagrams of what Layla didn't know what it was.

She got a chair and sat. They greeted each other and Usman excused himself leaving the two so she would be comfortable and relaxed.

The doctor waited until Usman had closed the door then he took a new file and a pen. He saw how uncomfortable Layla became when they were left alone and he knew one of her fear has to do with man.

He eased his face and smiled at her. He had a closed shaven chin and white eyes. When he smiled his teeth were in a row as though carefully layered.

"Hi Layla. I'm Fahad. Would you like a cup of tea?" Then he smiled again.

The session was a long hour and Fahad couldn't get enough from and her didn't ask much. It takes a lot of cajoling. He had however asked how she felt and she mentioned her symptoms. He made himself as free as he could be so she felt comfortable. When he was done, he called Usman to pick her up.

Usman was busy with patients so he pleaded with Fahad to give her direction to the G O P D ward.

They bought the pills and he took her back home while she was feeling sleepy and Rahama was awake this time.

By some miracle as Noor preferred to call it, there have been quite a change in Zayyad from the day she had snapped at him. He hadn't sleep out and also asked what she wanted to eat. He was excited about the pregnancy and Noor was still surprised.

Zayyad had been so engrossed in life yet he still think what could've happened to Layla and his child. The silence was like the calm before the storm.

On a weekend he took Noor to meet his family which was the first time in 5 months of their marriage. He mostly went alone and they meet with Abba frequently at work when he goes which was not everyday.

Maama was welcoming and nice. She had long conversation with Noor and was always asking if her son was treating her good to which she had answered positive.

"Maama, is Abba still not back from Abuja?" Zayyad asked his mother.

"No he was back weeks ago. It was an impromptu visit. It's like there was a maid of your aunty that gone missing and it was like she got pregnant. I Can't remember the details of it. You know your father and taking up things."

Zayyad felt himself froze.

"Maid you said???" His voice was shaking.


Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. This girl is out to kill me...


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