+Chapter 15+

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After an hour of studying, the two boys were now at the park, the grass tickling their ankles as they walked through. Chenle had actually understood what Jisung was teaching him today and he couldn't help but feel proud of himself.

The two were talking about anything that came to mind, the younger initially starting the different conversations. Jisung learned that Chenle wants to study art when he gets out of high school and Chenle learned that Jisung wants to study performance arts after he graduates.

With the older being athletic and academically gifted, Chenle would've though he'd want to pursue something else that's in college. He learned that the older dances too and it's something he actually enjoys. Not that he doesn't enjoy baseball and school, but he'd prefer dance over it.

"What's wrong," Jisung questioned, noticing the frown that just appeared on the smaller's face.
"I forgot you're graduating this year," Chenle mumbled quietly.

"We'll still see each other from time to time," Jisung reminded, hoping to cheer the younger as he continued to sulk.
"I guess so."

If there's one thing that Jisung can not stand, it's the younger not being happy. He would do anything in his power just to make him smile because he deserves all the happiness he can get.

"I mean who knows," Jisung suddenly spoke, Chenle raising his head to look him in the eyes. "Maybe we might even attend the same college." Jisung ruffled the younger's hair as the boy's face immediately lit up.

"You're right! I'll do my very best so that we'll be in the same school together!" Chenle bounced excitedly, waving his arms in the air as the older smiled fondly. The younger then calmed down and turned towards Jisung again.

"I'll get into the same school as you, I promise!" Chenle spoke extremely determined.
"You can do it, Lele," Jisung assured, pinching the younger's cheek who giggled.

The air around the two became quiet for a few minutes, only the children's laughter in the park was heard. Chenle clasped his hands behind his back as he fiddled with his fingers, swaying.
"What's on your mind baby dolphin?" Jisung asked, placing a hand on the younger's shoulder.

The smaller boy shook his head, the pet name flying over his head as well, "Nothing, I just hope my grades excel." Jisung lifted a brow because the younger was obviously thinking about something else, but who was he to say anything?
"You'll do well...have some confidence, will you?" Jisung nudged the smaller's boy's are with a playful smile.

Chenle being the dramatic dolphin he is, dropped to the floor, "I've been hit!"
Jisung rolled his eyes, "Get up, or I'll get ice cream without you." And with that, Chenle instantly stood up.

"I'll race you to the ice cream parlor," Chenle insisted before dashing off, leaving a stargazed Jisung behind. Shaking his head with a cheeky smile, he ran to catch up with the younger boy who was already halfway there.

A few months have passed and it was now the day before the art show. The art show had been rescheduled for the beginning of spring because of college exam preparations. Chenle's grades have shot up tremendously thanks to Jisung and Mr. Moon's help. The last bell of the day had rang, signaling that it was now time for dismissal.

Gummy Bear Acception 《Chensung》||CompletedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat