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"I'm going to miss you so much," Chenle cried while hugging his cousin Yangyang goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you too. You better come visit during the summer," Yangyang warned as he squeezed into the hug. Releasing, Chenle nodded his head with a smile as a tear trickled down his cheek. Yangyang sucked his teeth while wiping Chenle's tear with his finger.

Chenle's puppy eyes were now displayed in front of the younger, rosy cheeks. Yangyang rolled his eyes, scoffing, "Stop crying already. I'm literally moving with you."

Chenle pouted his lips, "But you'll live in a different house than me and you won't go to the same school."
"I'll be a few houses down the street!" Yangyang exclaimed.

Yangyang and Chenle were sixteen years old cousins and were really close with one another. Nothing could separate them, they were inseparable. Both of their parents worked together and are opening up a new branch of their fragrance businesses in Korea.

At first it was only going to be Chenle and his parents moving to Korea. But with months on end with begging and pleading, Yangyang and Chenle were able to convince their parents to agree for Yangyang and his parents to come as well. They were happy that they weren't going to leave each other's side, even though Chenle made a dramatic scene for no reason.

However it is still the same district, the only thing is that Chenle will be attending a different high school than Yangyang because Yangyang is in advanced placement classes. There is a separate building for the gifted students that Yangyang was offered. Though he doesn't have to attend, his parents gladly accepted the offer and Chenle wishes he could be like him.

Chenle is a very shy artistic individual. He loves to paint and draw planes and buildings. Yangyang has always commented on how Chenle's pieces of art were 'too bland,' but Chenle doesn't care and appreciates his work. He feels it's the only thing he's actually good at.

Chenle never paints or draws portraits of anybody. He finds it creepy and boring. He wouldn't want to wake up one day with the eyes of a person in his artwork staring at him. He might freak out like the dramatic dolphin he is.

Unlike Yangyang, Chenle was more introverted and only spoke with the people he's close to. He felt speaking to anybody else was unnecessary as he doesn't need to nor want to know them.

Yangyang is more outgoing, very comedic and friendly. He's the life of the party and is usually the one who strikes up a conversation first and makes the everything into a joke. He loves comedy and satire and Chenle always insists on Yangyang being a comedian or even a marketer when he gets older.

Yangyang speaks well and has a way with his words-- he can easily persuade someone. Heck, who do you think did all the work in trying to get his and Chenle's parents to agree to move to Korea as well?

Chenle's parents are leaving their business in China in good hands with Mr. Chittaphon, a close family friend of theirs who Chenle sees as an uncle. Of course their parents would come back to check on how the business is flourishing back in China to keep everything in check.

Chenle is not excited to go to Korea at all. Moving means, new people, new school, new environment, new language, even though Korean isn't a problem for Chenle as he knew a bit, but he isn't fluent. His Korean is very stagnated, unlike Yangyang who can speak fluently in multiple languages.

That's one of the many things Chenle envys about his cousin besides his academic ability and that fact that he can speak to anyone with no problem. Yangyang suggested to help Chenle with his pronunciation and vocabulary in Korean to which the older boy gladly accepted.

He doesn't want to go to a Korea and be made fun of because he doesn't know how to speak Korean. His family can speak it, but he can't? What did he do so wrong?

Chenle and his parents stepped out of the taxi and retrieved their belongings from the trunk. Making sure they grabbed everything, his father paid the driver and the three of them headed inside the airport.

They checked in and their luggage was taken to board the plane. They waited in the waiting room for their flight to be called. Chenle was leaving before Yangyang since his parents were the CEOs and needed to be at the new business in Korea as soon as they can.

Yangyang's parents were taking Chenle's parent's place in the office for the time being to make sure everything is in tac before they leave to Korea the next day.

"Flight to Korea is now boarding," the voice of the intercom spoke in monotone as everybody who were waiting to be called stood up to make their way onto the plane. Chenle took a deep breath before boarding the plane.

A new life is going to begin. He has a chance to start again. A chance to actually make friends without people knowing and making fun of all the embarrassing things that has happened to him in the past. A chance to try and appreciate the new environment. A chance to start fresh...


Woah a new story?! Ahh I hope you guys enjoy this story. I'm so excited to write more!

I'll try my best to write well and keep you guys interested!

Gummy Bear Acception 《Chensung》||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now