+Chapter 4+

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"Holy cow dipped is cheese! You draw so well. Bitch, I'm jealous," Donghyuck claimed, looking over the orange haired boy's shoulder and snatched his sketchbook. Chenle was not confident in barely anything. But if there was one thing that is is confident about, is his drawing skills and artistic abilities. Mr. Park, the art teacher, came over to the two boy's shared desks to compliment the younger's art as well. 

"We have an art show coming up in a few months," Mr Park informed, placing the art show application on Chenle's desk. "You should sign up. I think it would be a good thing for you to do. You're new here as well so it will also give you a chance to explore what other activities we hold."

"T-thank you, I will think a-about it," Chenle stuttered with a slight bow, messing up his pronunciation and becoming embarrassed. "Do give it some thought. Now, carry on and Donghyuck, stop getting distracted," Mr. Park told the tanned male who was staring out the window mumbling incoherent words and snapped out of it. 

The application wasn't due until a few weeks before the show which leaves enough time for Chenle to read over the requirements and make his decision. 

It was the last class of the day, history, and both boys were anxiously waiting for the bell to ring. "The significance of the Battle of the Bulg-" the bell resonated through the classrooms, interrupting the teacher. "We'll pick up tomorrow. You all are dismissed for the day," the teacher said, packing his things and leaving the classroom. 

"Finally~" Donghyuck sang with an angelic voice while throwing his arms in the air and Chenle giggled. Both boys packed their things and headed to their lockers, which were coincidentally close to each other with about five lockers in between them. 

They were outside the building by the rack of bikes, Chenle making sure to stay close to Donghyuck, afraid he'd get trampled by all these tall people leaving the campus. "You brought your bike?" Donghyuck asked to which Chenle nodded and went to unchain his bicycle. Donghyuck was waiting, waiting for something that Chenle isn't sure about.

"What are we waiting for?" Chenle mumbled softly, causing Donghyuck to smile brightly. clasping his hands in front of him and swaying side to side. "Markie." Chenle rolled his eyes playfully, "He treats you terribly, yet you're after him."

"So what? People can change, can't they?" Donghyuck remarked with a hopeful nod. "I guess so," is all Chenle responded with as two familiar boys came strolling out of the school building. Donghyuck waved his hand in the air, calling both Jisung and Mark over with them complying. 

"Hi Sung. Hi Markie~" Donghyuck bashfully blinked his eyes flirtatiously as Chenle just held onto his bike firmly, staring down. "Stop calling me that already," Mark warned, glaring his eyes towards the younger male. But Donghyuck doesn't give up that easily, "Anyways, I thought I'd properly introduce you to my bestie!"

"You just met the pumpkin head. How is he your 'bestie' already?" Mark scoffed and Donghyuck smriked. "Why can't he be? Jealous?" Mark internally cursed at the tanned male for making such a crazy assumption. "Not at all. I don't give a crap who you're friends with."

"Anyways," Jisung jumped in before things got serious between his cousin and best friend. "I'm Park Jisung, a senior and you are?" Jisung introduced himself with a smile at Chenle who peeked his head up slightly, meeting the older's eyes. Making sure his bike was sturdy, Chenle moved away from it and stood in front of the older to give respects to his senior with a bow. "S-senior, I'm Z-Zhong Chenle." 

"No need to be formal. We can all be friends without an formalities. It's nice to meet you," Jisung held out his hand which Chenle hesitantly shook. Soft. Soft was all he could describe Jisung's hands. They were much larger than his, slim and veiny. Meanwhile, Chenle thought his hands were too small and round. 

"You can let go of him now," Mark spoke as Donghyuck slapped Mark's shoulder, breaking Chenle out of trance and realizing he was still holding Jisung's hand. He quickly let go and hid his hands behind his back. "I-I'm sorry." Jisung shook his head with a smile, "Don't be."

"He's from China! It's so cool, I've always wanted to go there!" Donghyuck cheerfully said. "And oh my goodness, you should see him draw!" Chenle smiled a little, a blush forming on his cheeks. Mark rolled his eyes, scoffing "Stop hyping him up. I bet he's not even that good." 

Chenle frowned and Jisung was the only one who noticed as Donghyuck and Mark were getting ready to rip each others heads off. Donghyuck's reason for Mark speaking negatively about his best friend and Mark's reason simply because he doesn't like the tanned male."I look forward to seeing your art," Jisung tried to change the younger boy's mood. 

"Alright, I'm leaving. See ya dude," Mark pat Jisung's shoulder and took his leave. "I have to go too. Jisung, take my bestie home," Donghyuck gave a hug and wink to the smaller boy, bidding him goodbye and dashed after Mark. Chenle fiddled with his fingers as Jisung walked over to grab Chenle's bike, kicking up the stand. 

"Let's go," Jisung smiled as he walked while holding Chenle's bike and the younger followed him. 'Such a gentleman.'

"T-this is where I-I live," Chenle spoke up, mentally scolding himself for stuttering again. Jisung slid Chenle's bike into the rack and chained it. "T-thank you. I'm sorry you had t-to come all this w-way."

The whole walk to Chenle's home was silent and awkward. The both of them didn't really know how to start up a conversation, well mainly Chenle. Jisung was obviously enjoying the warm day, saying hello to people here and there. 

"It's not a problem. I live nearby," Jisung assured, taking out a pack of gummy bears from his bag and leaving as Chenle watched him disappear into the distance.

The first thing Chenle did once he stepped into his house was sprint to his room, flopping on his bed face first. He whined, kicking his legs and banging his arms on the bed, "Dammit, dammit, dammit," he cursed in Chinese. 

"Why am I like this," he grumbled, rolling around on his bed aggressively. "You're so stupid, Zhong Chenle! He probably thinks you're weird!" Tossing and turning a bit too much, he yelped as he fell off his bed. Thank goodness his parents were't home to witness all the ruckus and breakdown Chenle was having.

Chenle just laid there, face front on the wooden floor. He slowly pushed himself up, he groaned while reaching for his phone and dialing Yangyang's number so they can face time. 

"Hi, cuz! We are leaving in a couple hours to board our flight," Yangyang spoke, packing a few more clothes until looking over at his screen. "What the hell happened to you?" 

Chenle spoke in between whines which would usually be hard for someone to make out what he is saying, but not for Yangyang. Yangyang has been with this boy all his life and knows Chenle really well as well as his 'language.'

"Yeah, it does sound like you screwed up big time," Yangyang spoke in a matter of fact. Chenle cursed in Chinese, "You aren't helping!" Yangyang laughed and apologized, "I'm sorry. I was just messing around. But for real, I think you're over exaggerating like usual. Stop moping"

"Am not! You should have been there," Chenle sighed throwing himself back onto his bed. Both boys spoke about their day until Yangyang had to leave to the airport. "Don't worry, I'll be there soon," was the last thing Yangyang said before they hung up. 

- 🎨-

I hope your day/night is going fantastic! It's the weekend finally and I hope you all are able to relax. 

Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed!

Take care of yourselves and stay safe, happy, and healthy!

Much love...xx

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