+Chapter 10+

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It was finally Friday, the day before the weekend begins and also the day progress report cards come out. Chenle was a nervous wreck to recieve his grades for the mid point of the semester. He hopes he's passing all of his classes, but with his luck he's probably failing.

As soon as Chenle woke up that was all he was thinking about. He won't be able to take part in the art show if he's failing any of his classes. If he were to be failing, he'd have till the end of the semester, when report cards come out, to enhance his grades because luckily, the art show isn't till a couple months.

But how was he going to do that? How is he going to push his grades up in a month and a half? Instead of rising, Chenle's grades keeping sinking down like the titanic...maybe even deeper.

"You gotta be kidding me," Chenle stared at his progress report card.
"I'm screwed," he whined, repeatedly banging his head on the table.

Meanwhile Donghyuck was content with his grades. He turned over to his seatmate, practically breaking down. He snatched the black haired boy's paper from his hands to examine his grades.

"Oh come on, they're not that bad," Donghyuck spoke while staring at the failing grades in his math and chemistry class. Chenle rolled over his head to glance at the tanned male, giving him a 'really' look.
"I can understand why I'm failing math. But chemistry?! I literally copy off of you!" Chenle exclaimed as Mr. Moon walked by with his hands on his hips.

Donghyuck pointed in Mr. Moon's direction and Chenle nervously chuckled, sitting up straight.
"I'm just kidding I would never heh...if I really did, he would be failing too," Chenle defended.

"Chenle, if you're having trouble please ask me for help. I would be glad to help you after school to bring up your chemistry and algebra grades," Mr. Moon explained with a calming smile and somehow, that smile made Chenle wash his worries away for a few seconds.

It was so reassuring. He doesn't understand how he's capable of doing such a thing. Chenle gasped.

'Is he a genie?!'

Donghyuck and Mr. Moon furrowed their eyebrows in confusion. Some may say that they looked quite alike while doing so. Chenle realized his over exaggeration and cleared his throat.

"Yes please, Mr. Moon! That would be helpful," Chenle agreed with a slight bow.
"Very well, meet me at my office after school and we'll arrange everything from there," Mr. Moon informed and walked away.

Chenle let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding.
"Did you you just indirectly insult my intelligence?" Donghyuck placed his hand over his chest, pretending he was offended.

Chenle raises his arms and shook his hands and head rapidly, "No that's not what I meant!"
Donghyuck laughed, "I know chill, lele. Besides, I'm not allowed to fail a class, especially chemistry and algebra."

"I'm not allowed to either!" Chenle claimed, puffing his cheeks. His parents always knew Chenle struggled in school and would scold him for failing his classes because he was too afraid to ask for help. But in the end, they know their son is trying his best.

"Obviously, I don't think any parent would allow their children to fail," Donghyuck said in a matter of fact.
"You'd be surprised. Some parents just don't care," Chenle added and the silver haired boy nodded his head.

"You must suck at copying my work," Donghyuck snickered and Chenle crossed his arms. Class finished early for the day and they were waiting for the lunch bell to ring.

"It's not my fault your handwriting is illegible!"
"It's written that way for cheaters...like you," Donghyuck tapped the younger's head as Chenle pouted.

"Besides, you'll be fine now that my dad will be helping you," Donghyuck reminded and Chenle nodded his head. The realization just now hitting him as he widened his eyes, jaw dropping.

"Mr. Moon is your dad?!" Chenle raised his voice in disbelief, earning attention from the very few people in the classroom, including the teacher who only smiled and Donghyuck covered his mouth with his hand as he placed his pointer finger on his lips, signaling for the younger to lower his voice.

"He is," Donghyuck proudly said and Chenle sat there in confusion.
"But your last n-"
"Is different? Yeah, I know. It's because he's my adoptive father," Donghyuck stated and averted his eyes to his desk.

Chenle's lips formed an 'o' shape while he nodded his head. It was silent between the two for a little while. Chenle doesn't know if he should ask what happened to his actual parents. Would that be too personal, considering they've only known each other for almost three weeks?

But Chenle being Chenle just couldn't keep his mouth shut,
"Have you ever met your actual parents?" And that question caused Donghyuck to stand up, his chair sliding back and Chenle flinching by the sudden movement.

"I'm going to get some water, do you want any?" Donghyuck suddenly asked, obviously not wanting to speak about this topic and Chenle gave a small 'no thank you' before Donghyuck walked out of the classroom without asking for permission.

Chenle felt terrible. He knew he shouldn't asked such personal questions, but here he was. This is one of the reasons why he didn't have many friends. He didn't know when to shut up and stop talking when things get too personal.

Back in China for the last two years, Chenle had stopped speaking to anyone at school and that included teachers as well. That was one of the main factors that played in his academic ability, even though he was never the greatest from the beginning. He's gullible, inconsiderate, and easily manipulated. After that one incident that happened almost three years ago, he's stopped speaking to anyone in school.

But then this year, Donghyuck was the first one to actually engage in a conversation with him and want to be his friend. So Chenle decided to push his childish speaking ban aside. But he did it again, he hurt someone, his best friend and it may not have been intentionally, but it still happened.

It could just be Chenle being over dramatic, but he can't help to think he just messed up a friendship just because of him and his blabbering mouth.

'I screwed up....again'


Mr. Moon to the rescue!

The next chapter will be of Chenle's past school life that he went through just so you'll be able to understand why Chenle is acting the way is is currently!

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed!

Stay safe, happy, and healthy<3

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