+Chapter 2+

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About ten minutes of riding his bike to the school and definitely nOt following the gummy bear eating boy who also went to the same school as Chenle had noticed the boy's uniform, Chenle finally arrived to the school. He parked his bike and chained it to the rack outside the school building, the other boy skipping into the building, and took a deep breath.
"This is it," Chenle stated and walked into the main office, receiving his schedule.

"How may I help you?" The lady at the main office said, not sparing a look at him and keeping her eyes on the computer screen as she typed away.
'Rude much,' Chenle thought.

He thought for a few seconds about the right pronunciation in Korean. The lady stopped typing and glanced up, "Listen kid, I don't have a all day. I'm pretty busy as you could see."
"I-i," Chenle stuttered as the lady sighed in annoyance until the door swung open.

"Good morning Ms. Young," both Chenle and the lady turn towards the voice that came in. It was the same boy Chenle wasn't 'following' on the way here.

"Good morning, Jisung! What can I do for you today?" Ms. Young, the office lady smiled widely. 'So his name is Jisung?' Chenle thought.
"I came to pick up a stack of papers for Mr. Suh's class," Jisung responded, making his way to the printer that had Mr. Suh's worksheets printed out.

"Very well, please help yourself," Ms. Young spoke, guiding her hand towards the printer and Jisung respoded with a small 'thank you' and a bow before picking up the papers. Ms. Young turned back towards Chenle who stood there the entire time fiddling with his fingers.
"Now, what do you need young man?"

"I'm new, schedule p-please?" Chenle tried his best to sound as fluent as possible. The lady at the desk nodded her head and asked for his name. "Zhong Chenle," he spoke softly with his head down.

She typed his name in her computer and printed his schedule out. She pointed over to the printer, "Go grab it and head to class." Chenle dragged his feet to the printer, where the boy with blonde highlights, Jisung, was still stacking the papers neatly.

The taller boy was blocking Chenle's way in retrieving his schedule. "E-exucse me," Chenle muttered quietly, but loud enough for Jisung to hear. "Oh, I'm sorry," Jisung flashed him a small smile to which Chenle thought was astonishing as he moved to the side.

His teeth, straightened and pearly white, sparkling in the office light. Maybe he was over exaggerating, but still. It was pretty, unlike his teeth which were crooked, making him self conscious about them.

"You okay?" Jisung asked as Chenle didn't even realize he zoned out for a few seconds. "U-uh r-right. Yeah, I'm f-fine."

'Damn it Chenle stop stuttering'

Chenle quickly grabbed his schedule and left the office, on a mission to find his locker and classes.

Finding his classroom, Chenle stood outside the door. He was nervous. What if people make fun of him? What if people don't like him? What if he sits next to someone's significant other without knowing and gets a beating from their lover? Chenle shook his head rapidly, knocking the negative thoughts away and inhaled the woody scent of the hallways, exhaling.

'Don't screw up. Don't screw up. Don't screw up.'

Chenle walked inside the classroom, all eyes on him since he had interrupted the teacher from informing the class of any announcements. The teacher smiled and greeted him.
"Good morning! May I ask what you're doing here five minutes late?" 

Yeah, he was late because of the incident at the office and trying to find his locker alone. He hopes he doesn't get in too much trouble. He really can't afford that since his parents would surely kill him if they were to find out. 

Gummy Bear Acception 《Chensung》||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now