Chp. 8: New Besties??

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"That's what I thought," Travis states, triumphantly. He then holds his car keys up, and waves them, "Tell the others that we can head out now. Oh! Is my mom here?"

"No. She and Samantha left out earlier," Joshua replies, thoughtfully, "That's how we got in."

"Samantha?" I ask, and Travis looks over at me. "She's my sister." He replies, and I nod.

I would've thought he was the only child...

"So, my mom nor Sam are here?" Travis repeats, and the boys nod. He smiles, "Neat. Is James here?"

Christian laughs, "Yeah, he's here. You know he hates it when you call him that."

"And that's exactly why I say it," Travis states, grinning. Christian rolls his eyes, "Of course that's why you say that, of course..."

He turns around, shaking his head, as he walks into the house. "We're coming down!" Joshua shouts, running after Christian.

There's a long silent pause as we wait for the boys to return.

I glance over at Travis as begins texting on his phone.

"So," I mumble as I walk over to stand next to him.

With some space in between us of course.

I lean my back against the car behind us, "You've had someone spill their drink on you before?"

He sighs, an embarrassed look on his face. He looks over at me, "Yeah, unfortunately. A few times actually I could name when some crazy lady decided to splash whatever the hell is in her cup on me."

"Why?" I ask, suddenly curious, and he narrows his eyes at me, "Was because of something you said??"

"Wouldn't you like to know..."

"Oh c'mon! Don't be so shy! Answer the question."

He snorts, shaking his head, "Okay, fine! It was something I said. There, are you happy?"

"Ooo!! What's you say?"

"You're nosy, you know that?"

"I am not! Just...curious."

We find ourselves staring at one another for a lingering moment. Travis's green eyes piercing into my brown one, intensely. My heart speeds up, and I find myself becoming nervous. My gaze suddenly falls to my feet, and my cheeks flush.

I laugh nervously, glancing back up to meet his eyes. His smile softens, and he suddenly avoids my gaze, "Well...if you must know...let's just say, I've had a few girls flatter me, but I turned them down. They got pissed, and well, you know what happened next."

I look back at him, as he shrugs, nonchalantly, "I honestly couldn't give less of shit if whether or not they were offended by my turning them down. I was, however, pissed they ruined my clothes on purpose."

" that's why you got so angry..."


We sit in silence again, Travis going back to texting on his phone. I look down at hands and play with my fingers, "That...makes sense..."

We stand in silence again, I becoming lost in my thoughts. A few minutes pass by and I suddenly find myself asking,"Where are we going?"

Travis looks back at me and shrugs, "More than likely The Spot."

"The Spot?" I ask, raising a brow.

He nods, "Yeah. It's where the gang gets together. I'll tell you more about it on the way there."

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