7. Oh the things I do..

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TRIGGER WARNING: blood, knife use, torture, panic attack, rape, curse words. All in all an intense chapter!

I wake up in Tays room in his bed.  "Hey, how you feeling?" his voice is so soothing and calm, I just want to listen to it all day long. "Im fine..." I sayd in a quiet voice. "You sure, you really scared us you know."


"Yeah, we were at Jeromes place remember?"

My eyes widend and filled with tears. I felt my heart sink just like that night three years ago. I felt like screaming. My lungs felt heavy too, I was holding back my tears but it hurt so bad.                      

He held my hand, looked me straight in the eyes and sayd:" Dont worry, I'll take care of it. You wait here." He stood up and left. Just like that. What was he talking about? He dosent know right? With a faint and scared voice I sayd :"Tay?". But heard no answer, just quietness. 

Tays pov:

The whole way to Jeromes place I was worried maby someone has gone in? Seen the mess maby? What ever I'll find a way to lie around it. No one could guess I did it. Me and Jerome werent even that close. No one will know what I did if I just clean my mess up. I got to that assholes place and stepped in. The door was open just like I left it. And there he was, right where I left him. Infront of me on the floor is a tied up bastard who deserves to die.  "Hey Jeromee! How ya feeling?" He obviously couldnt answer since I filled his mouth with his own dirty socks. I stood over him and all I could see was a scared whiny bitch. He kept moaning and making weird fucking sounds. I picked him up and threw him onto his livingroom sofa.

"Listen here, Jerome. And listen well. Im going to kill you now. So if you have something to say, say it now." I smiled from excitement. Jerome started to wiggle and he was ugly crying. Gross. I took out the same knife that I used on all those other creeps that have bothered my baby. "Alright, seeing as you have nothing to say, I'll talk instead."  I stabbed Jeromes leg. He wiggled and squeeld from pain.Like a pig. I sat down next to him while turning the knife in his leg around. "Youre the one who I couldnt find all that time. Youre the one who raped an innocent fifteen year old girl after you had just "helped" her. Btw that man is long gone aswell. Anyway," 

I swiftly removed the knife and wiped it clean with his shirt. ", youre the worst one. I have been suspecting you for a long time. Remember the time you got REAAAL drunk and told me abt how you had sex with a teenage girl three years ago. You reall bragged about the part where you had just saved her from some creep. So I thought hmm, why would she do that with you after being chased by some creepy old man. But then I heard Ally talking in her sleep. She was crying out for help and tears were falling from her eyes, I also heard her mention the name Jerome. So i but two and two togethor," I looked over at him and tangled my knife over his face ", so I brought her here and look what happened. Earlier I just mentioned your name and bam!  A panic attack, so now its proven. Youre the bastard, that i need to kill." I smiled and smoothly pushed my knife thru his cheek. Blood oozed out and it looked like he was having a nose bleed. His eyes rolled back from the pain. What a baby.

 I am doing the right thing. This is me doing the right thing....

I finished him off shortly after removing the knife from his cheek. Eww he stinks, ugh Im not carryign him anywhere. I knew where he stashes his weed so I took some and on the way out I poured some of his own bourbon over him and the furniture. I set fire to the house and calmly walked away leaving the door completely open behind me. Oh the things I do for love.

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