He chuckled and shook his head.

"So who you like then?"

I smiled, "J. Cole, Ciara, Azealia Banks, Kat Dahlia, Kehlani, Adele, Paramore, AlunaGeorge. Those are some of my faves. I also listen to a lot of old school stuff like Sade. I love Sade."

"I don't know none of them people cept the first two," he shook his head confused and I laughed at his face.

"It's because there not that popular and I'm sure you know of Adele if I played you a few of her songs," I told him and he pulled into a parking space and I looked out the window. We were in the upscale part of downtown. I've only been down here twice and I looked over at him.

"Where are we going," I asked turning to look at him and he pointed out the window at this upscale looking restaurant.

"Were going in there," I asked him.

He chuckled, "It's not as bad as it looks trust me, Mace is the co-owner."

I nodded hoping he was right. We got out of the car and he took my hand and we walked inside. Once we were inside he talked to the hostess like they were old friends and he took us to our seats and gave us our menu's and told us our waiter would be with us soon before walking off.

Once he was gone I took the time to look around. It looked intimidating from the outside but inside it wasn't that bad. We looked over our menu's in silence and I was kind of surprised because I had never seen I-pad's being used for menu's. Once our waiter got to our table August dapped him up as well and I rolled my eyes, everywhere we went he was like the popular kid.

We ordered and it wasn't long before our food came out. We talked about nothing in particular from any to everything. August always managed to keep a smile on my face. Somehow we got to talking about the first time we met in the club. He was telling me how he had thought he lost his charm and I laughed at that.

"You call that charm?"

"It always worked before."

I shook my head at that, "And it shouldn't have but I guess like boys, some girls don't have standards."

He smirked, "So whatchu tryna say, I don't got standards?"
"You didn't," I smiled pointing at myself, "Until now."

He sucked his teeth.

"I still cant believe we went from exchanging insults in the club to...here."

"Why is that so hard to believe?"

"Because your you for one, and I thought I had a type and your aren't exactly it."

"I'm just a average nigga," he shrugged, "Nothing special."

That was a lie. I seen the looks we got when we were out. When I was dressed up it was one thing but when I was in my regular shorts and tee's people looked at us like I was nothing. I'm sure they thought he could do better and I'm sure they were right.

"Well your special to me," I admitted, "I'm the one who's average."

"And your special to me. I wouldn't be witchu if I didn't think so. So don't start that insecure shit. Your perfect, you might not see it but I do."

My heart started to beat at a rapid pace and I avoided his stare. I believed him, why else would he be spending all this time on me. I guess I still didn't understand why me of all girls?

"I know what they say about me but I aint a bad guy. And you not the only one who is concerned bout getting hurt in this relationship."

I looked at him and frowned.

All or Nothing (August Alsina FF)Where stories live. Discover now