Chapter 8

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"Hunter?..." Coughing I sit up.

"Hunter...." He was laying on my lap not moving.

Brows furrowed I shake him. "Hunter.."

He body slides off my lap that's when I notice it. The blood.

Panick sets in me as I take in the fact that he's been shot.

"Hunter..." I cry out.

I asses the wound, he's been bleeding out for a while since theirs a puddle of blood under him. How long has he been out?

Panicking I look around to see a door at the far end of the warehouse.

Searching for a pulse I find one but weak. I have to get him out of here before he completely bleeds out.

Putting all my strength in it, I lift him up dragging him towards the door only to fall to the ground. He's too heavy for me to carry out of here.

Tears stream down my face as l look at his pale face.

"Am not going to let you die." I say to his unconscious frame. "Be right back okay.."

Kissing his forehead I stand and bolt for the door. It was bright outside and it seems we were in a secluded part of vegas cos their were no cars in sight.

Walking along the road I yell for help, tears streaming down my face.


"Help me!..."

"Somebody please HELP ME!...."

It was all turning out pountless until I see a truck coming my way and a bit a hope surges.

I wave my arms up at the car. "Stop!..please!"

The truck passes by me and I scream falling to the ground.

"Noooo!!!..." I cry out. Laying on the road.


"Please come back......"

A horn sounds, looking up I see the truck coming back. My lips tremble into a smile as I stand up.

When it stops infront of me I go to the drivers side, a man was behind the wheel with a woman in the passengers seat.

"Are you okay darlin?" The woman asks her ascent latin and I shake my head no.

That simple question feels like a knife to my heart, more tears stream down my cheeks.

"Plea...Please come.....with me..." I stummer with my words. "You need help him....he's been shot." I point to the warehouse.

The man looks at me as if am something he's seen too many times to count.

"Please....." I cry out.

"Juan....." The woman orders. "Go and see what she's talking about."

Sighing the man gets out of the car, I lead him to the warehouse house and when he see's Hunter his eyes widen.

"Take his other side." He instructs, taking his arm I put it over my shoulder with my arm supporting his back and together we drag Hunter out of the warehouse to the truck.

"Maria!.." Juan calls out and the woman gets out the car gasping when she sees Hunter.

"Get on." He tells me and I get at the back of the truck helping him pull Hunter on.

Maria helps me lay Hunter on my lap as Juan gets back behind the wheel and we speed off.

"Put your hands here." She puts my hands on the wound. "And apply pressure on it, dont let go till we reach the hospital." I nod doing as she says.

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