Chapter 2

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Groaning I turn over in bed, reaching out I pat the side next to me to find it empty. Stretching I slowly open my eyes to realize that yesterdays events weren't just s dream.

Sighing I get out of bed and make way to the kitchen were I hear people talking. Walking in I find jack making breakfast with my brother sitting in one of the chairs.

"Alex?...what are you doing here?" I say taking one of the seats.

"I figured you were here." He says. "And mom was worried."

"I didn't call him..."jack immediately says when I look at him.

Unfortunately Jack and Alex knew each other and it made it harder to keep jack in the friend zone since he was also good with my brother.

"Does dad know that you're here?" I ask.

"Nah he probably thinks am at my friends place or something." He tells me.

"Here you go." Jack says placing a plate infront of me.

"Thank you."

"So what are you doing here?" I ask Alex.

"Well mom said to bring you that" He points at a black duffle bag on the couch. "There some clothes and money."

"Thanks..." I say. Furrowing my brows I ask. "Why is their money? I have my credit cards."

"Uuhm well the thing is dad blocked all your cards." He tells me.


"He doesn't mean anything by this you know.." Alex says. "He just wants you home"

"Well cutting my cards isn't gonna help"

Uugghh!! How annoying! If he thinks for one minute am going to rush back just because of this he is damn well mistaken.

Closing my eyes i take a deep breath calming myself.

Opening them I look at Alex and smile.

"I don't need his money anyway." I say. "Am not going to stay in LA for long."

"What do you mean?" Alex asks.

Smiling I say. "Am going to Vegas."

Jack spits out his coffee and looks at me. "Vegas?"

"Yea." I say. "Vegas has the best strip clubs the world has to offer so am gonna find a job their."

"Hailey that's insane." Alex chuckles.

"Am not joking, am really going to vegas."

"Hailey...." Jack starts. "You need to be sensible with your decisions, you cant just pack up and leave."

"I can't stay here." I tell him.

"Their alot of jobs here, you can easily find one." Alex says.

Smiling at him I take his hand in mine. "Am going to be fine Alex."

Standing up I clap my hands excited. "Let's get this show on the road."

"HAEILY!" Jack stands up yelling and I look at him eyes wide taken off guard with his sudden burst.

"You're out of your fucking mind if you think you're going to Vegas!" He shouts.

Eyes wide I look at him. "The hell I can do what ever I want." I say. "You can't tell me what to do okay."

"I fucking can if that's stopping you from doing something stupid!"

Scoffing I glare at him. "You can not tell me what to do."

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