9. Nothing Works There

Bắt đầu từ đầu

A second later someone knocked on our door. I looked through the door from the bathroom. Slovakia stood up and opened the door. Panama stood there. "You four are required to be in the dining room at 7 am."

"All four?" Slovakia asked confused which the captain nodded. Without saying much he continued doing his job and walked away.

She closed the door and looked at me baffled. I massaged my temple and looked at the mess sitting on the floor.

"Alright," I said it to myself and picked up Poland's full glass. Holding the drink near his face I spoke, "Drink it, eat your food and change yourself. We don't have much time."

He only glared at me and grumbled, "I'm not going."

Annoyed I rolled my eyes and explained, "Oh yes you will. Either you work with me and stand up, or we'll do the hard way and I'll gonna throw you under the cold shower."

Poland didn't move. He starred at me judging his options, before he made his big mistake by saying, "You wouldn't even dare."

Germany pov.

It's 7 am and nearly all guests arrived at the dining room. I sat at my table like usual, but it's definitely strange to sit there alone without Austria.

So far every guest was in the room except India. It could be that he needed longer to get there. Nonetheless I won't let anyone slip past the check up. Whoever had a fresh wound will be most likely the murderer.

I scanned the other guest and so far everyone are behaving normal. There is no tense atmosphere and even USA sat there in silence.

As the door opened I expected to be Panama or India, but to my surprise it was the V4. Looks like the captain wanted them also go through the check up. They noticed me and immediately sat down at my table.

"Do you know why we should be assemble there?" Asked Hungary to me in a low voice. I nodded, "Only a small body check up. That shouldn't be a problem."

I looked at the others and noticed that Poland's hair was damp. Looks like he was quickly under the shower before getting there.

Slovakia looks interested around and commented, "Well at least it's interesting. We never sat in the same room as the guests before."

Czechia looked at her annoyed, but didn't say anything. However Poland immediately got tensed and sat with his legs up on the chair. We looked at him confused until we saw where he was starring.

A couple of tables away sat Russia with the dogs. "Since when are those beasts allowed on the ships." He remarked it.

"Calm down they look harmless," commented Czechia. Poland countered, "That's the same thing you said about the backyard dog and we know how it ended."

I looked at the two dogs. They sat there besides Russia. The bigger one let out a small yawn and was leaning tired against the chair. The second dog had his head on the woman's lap, getting pets from her.

The dogs are adorable, but this didn't helped with Poland's fear of them.

Thankfully Panama finally arrived with India next to him. India went to his table while the captain stood in front of the exit and spoke, "Ladys and gentlemens today's schedule changed a little bit. Because of the ongoing investigation we are requiring you to do a health check up for looking any open wounds."

Everybody went silent. They were confused and no one wanted to speak out.

Well until USA like always started to shout irritated,"Is that a joke? First we got closed in our rooms until the morning, then our rooms were searched and now you want to play doctor on us? I didn't booked this trip to be bothered with this shit!"

The Swimming Death Trap [A CH Murder Mystery] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ