-Friends with Feelings-

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- As surprising as it is, you and golden Freddy are actually good friends. Although he seemed to be cocky and overall rude, when you are around he is a completely different person; always smiling and laughing at your corny jokes even if they weren't all that funny, yet He enjoys your presence and you enjoyed his. After a while Golden started to develop feelings for you and it is quite noticeable. He would often flirt with you 'jokingly' he even refers to you as "darling" or "shorty" and will even lean on you from time to time just to be touching you. He will easily get jealous when you'd talk about other people or ignore him for too long.


- Even though Freddy is a friendly guy he didn't really interact with people all that much unless it was proformace hours, Even then he keep his distance from people. However when you came around he would spend every second with you, even if he didn't speak much, He just liked being around you. He would often call you nicknames like "honey" or "sweetie" and other things. It was obvious that he liked you yet he never admit it, every time you brought it up he would just discard it as a way of addressing you and/or change the subject, yet you both know what he really meant.


- Becoming Bonnie's friend wasn't hard to do at all, he is a very nice person and a overall sweetheart. Yet he would go out of his way to make sure you are happy and comfortable at all times. He started to get flustered around you easily, he always seem to be fumbling over his words or simply fidgiting at all times when you are around. You will even catch him looking at you with his face all pink. Although you know how he feels towards you, you just choose not to address it and keep things the way they are.


-Everyone knows captain Foxy is an easy person to talk to. So becoming his friend wasn't hard to do at all. Foxy is very vocal about his emotions and thoughts, sometimes a little too vocal. so when foxy realized he liked you he didn't hesitate flirting with you every chance he gets. Sometimes you will catch foxy staring at your butt when your not facing him or just walking in general. Foxy is a very perverted person yet he is respectful in a way. He will stare from time to time but not in a way to make you uncomfortable, he would never do anything too drastic unless he knows for sure your ok with it. When you talk to him about something you like he will often stare into your eyes or at a random feature of yours and just admire you.


- As much as he would hate to admit it, you are one of springtrap's only friends. He will make rude remarks about you regularly yet if someone where to do it too you he would most likely end up snapping at them in your defense. Its very hard to tell but springtrap has grown a liking for you and he refuses to admit it, but his little ways of affection show it. He will make a rude comments on the things he likes most about you or something new, like if you dyed your hair or wore a shirt that he thought you looked quite nice in he would notice it right away but pass it off and make a joke of it. Although he puts up a front he does like you and thinks about you often.

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