6 months later

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It's been six months since WICKED captured Minho.

Six long ass months.

Thomas and Vince had a plan in action and hopefully we could finally save our friend. They have been planning it out this entire time and the factors were risky, but it was worth a shot.

Vince wasn't completely onboard on Thomas' plan, but after long hours of listing the advantages towards the situation, such as saving not only Minho but also a shit load of more immune kids, Vince finally agreed. Him and Thomas were the leaders of the operation and the plan seemed capable of working.

We also found a new location to set up our camp before we set out to our safe haven. Throughout those six months, Newt never left my side, and I never left his. We were both devastated and sad about losing his sister and our friend. My love for him grew more everyday, and all is hoped for was that this plan could work and Newt and I could find a home for us.

This plan had to work. It just had to.

Our future was determined by it. A life with or without Minho, and there was no way in hell the second choice was an option. We were all in for this one. Minho was coming with us.
No matter what the cost.


Newt and I sat behind a giant boulder by the railroad, awaiting Thomas' signal for us to come out.

WICKED was supposed to be transferring some of the kids to another location today and we planned to break out Minho.

I rubbed the sweat off my hands on my jeans, a little nervous about what was yet to come. I hadn't been in a life threatening situation in awhile, which was nice, but it made me anxious awaiting it.

Newt noticed beside me and took my hand. I look him in his brown eyes as he kisses the back of it, already calming my nerves, just like he always does.

'Thank you' I mouth. He smiles. Our relationship had grown a lot also throughout the last six months. Him and I were closer than ever and it was amazing. I was so grateful to have a beautiful relationship with Newt. He was my everything and I had to keep him safe at all costs. My friends and him came first. Always.

All of a sudden we hear the blowing of a train whistle. There's Vince and Thomas' cue. Not long after we heard Thomas call out.

"That's us love," Newt stood up,throwing his backpack over his shoulder. He gave his hand for me to take, and he lifted me up to my feet. I look at the train nervously. "It's gonna work." Newt tries to reassure me.

"Let's go," I tell him. Together we run through the dry land and to the train. We had to first find which cart Minho was in, then the rest of the plan would come together.

Thomas stood at the top of the trains shouting for Minho.

"MINHO!" I yell, banging on the side of the train. Just then, I hear bullets sounds in front of us. "Shit!" I curse, pulling out my pistol and shooting off the WICKED guards that were approaching us.

We hear some shouts and chains from the cart. Minho!

"He's in here!" Thomas calls pointing to the cart he's standing on.

"Newt that's you!" I tell my lover

He kneels down and uses some tools to cut loose the cart. Newt pulls on a mask to shield his eyes and I stand in front of him. My job was to cover him.

At first, Newt really didn't want me coming on this mission. He said it was dangerous and he didn't want me getting hurt. But I reminded him that Minho was my friend too and we needed all the help we could get. Thomas, Jorge, and Brenda backed me up and the decision was final.

Thomas and Vince shot off some more guards, trying to keep them off until we released the train.

"Newt how you doing?" Thomas shouts.

"Don't rush me!" Newt calmly responds.

"Take your time babe I got you!" I kept my eyes out for any sudden movement.

After a while, and some badass action, Newt's able to break free the cart. Soon after, Brenda and Jorge come above us with the stolen berg. Thomas helps me and Newt up to the top of the train as Vince hooks on the top. He waves for Jorge to go, and we start to fly away.

"YEAH!" Thomas let's out a shout in victory.

I hug Newt. "We did it!" I say into his ear. He pulls away and gives me the biggest smile he can.


Once we reach the camp, we're able to check the cart to find our long lost friend. We all anxiously wait as Thomas struggles to open the metal door. I'm getting so impatient and am about to tell him to move so I can do it myself. But eventually he's able to pry it open. Newt, Thomas, and I quickly walk into the train cart in search for that familiar face. There are many kids, all sitting like prisoners, chained up. That could've been us. I can't imagine what poor Minho has been through these past six months. I feel terrible knowing that they most likely tortured my best friend.

"You're safe now." I try to assure them. "You're gonna be okay."

"Sonya! Aris!" Newt says when we're about midway into the cart. I turn to find them giving Newt a reassuring smile, although in all honesty, they look dead inside.

I follow Thomas who continues to look around for Minho. I can't spot him.

"He's not here," Thomas says.

"What?" I look around in disbelief. "It can't be.. we heard him. He was here!" My voice cracks. My eyes tear up, but I don't let the tears fall.

Thomas walks out with his head low. The poor boy. He probably feels like he failed us. I start to back out too, letting someone else help the kids we rescued.

All this, and we didn't even get him back.


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