Chapter Fifteen: The Punishment

Start from the beginning

"Tired yet?" Lucy asked running a bit faster than me.

"Not a chance" I huffed and sped up. We both ran we were having a competition who can run the faster.

Of course Lucy beat me she was always faster than me. We were both in Pine Forest our hands on our knees trying to catch our breath.

"Now I'm tired" I said Lucy start laughing. She stopped laughing and her face went serious.

"Do you hear that?" Lucy asked me.

"No what?" I asked concerned.

"Shhhh" Lucy put a finger on her lips.

She started walking up the forest. "Where are you going Lucy?" I asked still following her.

"Shhh" she silenced me once again. She hide behind a tree and pulled me down.

"Oww , thanks for that" I said rubbing my arm that slid on the tree

After pouting I heard it too. I moved my head a little away from the tree and I saw a pack of wolves howling. There was this pitch black wolves its eyes were green. I focused more on the wolves

"shit that's Xavier" I said covering my mouth.

He was giving orders to the other wolves there was about 10 wolves there. All different colors and shades.

Lucy was paying attention just like I was. Xavier howled one more time it was loud. He looked angry. I stayed silent were I was. Xavier was standing on a large rock so he was above everyone.

Out of the corner came Josh, Blake and Bryan came out they where in their human forms. I saw another guy standing there he didn't look like he was a wolf I'm pretty sure he was human because he didn't shift like everyone else.

He had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. His hair was slicked back with some hair coming out of the sides. He was attractive but I wasn't paying attention to him as much.

Lucy looked at the guy with wide eyes. "Do you know him Lucy?" I asked in a whisper.

She nodded "that's Jason he is human he goes to our high school" She said.

So they have trusted humans knowing there secrets, interesting. All the guys turned to there wolves. Except for Jason of course. Xavier began to talk.

"Now we all know what Josh did yesterday" Xavier said in his deep husky voice. "He must be punished for acting so UN professional" he looked directly at Josh.

"You are my beta I am supposed to rely on you, you started a lot of shit yesterday and you will get punished" Xavier said with a growl.

"Your ranking as a beta has lowered to an Omega" Xavier said it looked like it hurt him to say these things to Josh. Of course it did they're best friends. Josh lowered his self he was already in his wolf.

Xavier bite his neck blood start gushing out of his neck. "You know the rules. You can't hurt somebody's mate" Xavier said with a sad look.

Blake and Bryan went to bite his neck like Xavier. I was so terrified I got up to stop this nonsense. Lucy tugged on my arm to site back down. "Rose please stop site back down" she pleaded. I was to angry to think right now. How can he just hurt him it wasn't a big deal it was an accident.

"STOP!" I screamed while walking up to Xavier direction. Everyone's heads snapped to my direction. Xavier turned to his human self he went to behind a tree I'm guessing so wear something.

He looked at me wide eyes. I couldn't help but stare at his six pack and his beautiful body, he was just in basketball shorts. Everyone that was there lowered there head and bowed to me.

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