Teru Pov
I'm playing with Teira now. Y/N join us too. But for some weird reason, she's blushing... It's kinda cute tho she looking like that. It's makes me want to pinch her red cheeks.

Teira looking at those two people that was in front of her. Teru is looking at
Y/N while Y/N turns her face away. Wondering why. She say "Y/N-onichan... Why are red? Are you having a fever? And Teru-onichan, Why are you staring at Y/N-onichan?". "Don't you wanna play with me?" she asking out of her curiosity.

Y/N Pov
As soon as Teira said that. I look at Teru turns out that he's staring at me while smiling. It's making me more red and embarrassed. "Ahhh!!!" I scream pushing him away and it turns out that I'm the one who falling. Teru tried to save me but he falling too. I close my eyes tight. I don't feel any pain and I try open it after a few seconds after closing it. I saw Teru on top of me with his shock expression on his face. His blue sky eyes met mine. His face was starting to red like mine before. This is much better than his fake smily face and I can't help but to think it's cute. His pitiful expression. It's rarely can see by me so I will try to remember this forever. I smirks. I don't have any intentions to do it but I smirked. I dont want to make he annoyed by me but I can't help but my smirks appearing. Oh my... I should be embarrassed right now but why am I smirk? Maybe because his face. It's quite funny tho.

Teru Pov
Y/N turns her head to face me after heard what Teira said. I'm surprised that she actually turns her head to face me. Our eyes met for a moment. Her
E/C eyes met mine. It feels like world has stop for a moment. Suddenly, she push me away but it turns out she is the one who falling because of her action. I'm shocked and I don't know what to do so I try to grab her with my hand from back. I lose my balance and falling too. My eyes wide open when I saw her close her eyes tightly below me. My brains not working now so I'm in such confused and shocked in the same times. Our eyes met again. Then, I saw a smirks appear on her face. Now, I feel my cheek burning up looking at her smirks. Is she plan all of these?

"Hey...onichan? Why aren't you moving right now? You want to be there longer?" Teira said with her innocent look since she's kid. "Eyhh!" Teru than realized and immediately sit down.
Y/N sit with her usual face. She doesn't feel embarrassed anymore since she get to see Teru real face. Teru then turns his face away trying to hide the fact that his blushing. "Are you having a fever, onichan? Your face is more red than Y/N before" Teira say. Y/N look at Teru. "I-I'm okay... I'm fine." he say mumbling but still can be heard both of them. "Alright..." Teira reply with sad tone. Then, she look at the clock. She realized that you can't stay because it's 8:49. "Y/N-onichan? Can you stay here longer?" Teira say. "Huh?" You asking looking at the clock. "Ouh... Then, I guess I need too..." you say mumbling. Teru look shocked but he doesn't want to show it.

Y/N Pov
Then suddenly, I feel something on my stomach. I look at it. I saw Teira hugging me and I return her hug. "Can you promise to come here tomorrow too?" she say to me then she hand out her last finger making the pinkie promise. I look at Teru giving a face "Can you let me?". He nodded slowly. "Promised!" I do the pinkie promise. "Yeay!" she scream in happiness for a small things. Well... Maybe I'm that attractive. I thought to myself proudly. "Want me to go to your home with you too...? You know... It's dark outside and I'm worried if something happened to you... ("I mean you're a girl and there must be some random dudes will bothering you at the alley." He whisper underneath his breath.) Even tho I heard his last sentence, I try to ignore it. I mean if I talk about that then the situation will be more awkward here. "Of course! I want some company when I head home too, y'know?" I say. "Then,  let's go. I don't want your parents to worry about you there." he say giggling at the end of his last words.  Argh... I hate him when he back into his smily guy. I thought to myself. I went to Teru's room and packed my bag that he placed on his desk. I head towards his desk. Woah... There's a lot of books here. I saw a lot of books on his desk. He must have work hard on his study. I look at his desk. There are a rack that next to it. It's save some decorations like key chain, action figure and etc. I grab one of his thing.
A watch. It is similar to mine. I look at my hand checking on how similar they are. I know that me and my childhood friend decided to match our watch. So that it can show our friendship. I thought for a few seconds. "Nah... This must be a coincidence." I thought to myself not to think about it. I placed the watch on his placed and grab my bag heading to the outside. Teru waiting for me at the doorway. He look at me then smile. I wonder when he will stop smiling. I pick my shoes and wear them. "Let's go!" I say as I done tying my shoelace. "Alright."

~after arrived at Y/N house~
"Oh! I guess we're end here our conversation." I say as I am standing in front of my house. "Bye!" I say casually. Then I don't know why but Teru grab my uniform. "Huh? Why?" I say to him. "Did you forget about me?" Teru say mumbling. "Huh?" I say. "Nah. Nothing! Go to your house now. Your parents must waiting for you now!" he say while pushing me in. "Ehh!" I say. "Bye!" he say. Then he run away from me. What's wrong with him? I gently open the door trying to not let my parents noticed. "There you are, S/N! Are you having fun with Teru?" Mom say happily looking at me. (surname? Or other name that your parents call you when your in home.) "Hehehe. How did you know him?" I say questioning mom. "Isn't he's you friends when you were kid? He chatted us before we moved here. He seems excited knowing you will be here once again." Mom again continue her speaks. "Yeah. He's your friends that help you touring around the school, right?" dad say while turning his the page of his newspaper. "He even ask us to give him permission to bring you around here." dad continue his speak. "Ahh!" I say trying to convince them that I realized his my childhood friends. I yawn. "Gosh. It's a long day... I wanna sleep now." I say while yawning trying to skip the conversation. "Yeah. Have a good night, sweetie!" mom say to me. "Yeah..."

~in your room~
I bump my head on my soft pillow. I scream but I try not to be too loud because it will draw my parents attention here. I let out all of my disappointment there.

I sigh

It's been a long day...

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