Harley's Omega

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Request by Freya648

The requester actually wrote their own version of this request, y'all should check it out!!! I kinda stole the title from theirs so... 😅 tagged --->

Sorry it took so long, I had some ~mental health issues~ a few days ago and- yeah. But anyway here's the chapter lmao

Um but anyway I just spent 3 hours reading dreamnotfound smut and I just need to chill for a bit

omegaverse, although its a bit different than the omegaverse I usually write in. I think its pretty interesting though, so enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Harley sat up quickly, grinning. Today was the day, he was finally going to get his very own omega! It was his 18th birthday, and he had been promised a trip to the omega center to pick out one of them to take home.

Now, those omega centers were incredibly inhumane. Any omega that had gone through one of them had come out the other side a shell of a human being... only really good for cooking, cleaning, and mating.

Nobody knew what went on inside the centers except for the omegas themselves. But they wouldn't say anything- some of them were completely mute, the rest either couldn't remember or were too dumb to understand what had gone down. And so, omega centers remained as a rite of passage for wealthier alphas, and the occasional beta. And the omegas? Well, they were treated like living garbage, either way.

But Harley was excited to get his very own omega. He had been waiting for this day for years, and it was finally here... he would pick out one of them to be his mate, and bring them home.

"Harley! You ready to go?" Tony yelled from the hall, the blond immediately scrambling to the door.

"Yeah, let's go!" He exclaimed excitedly. Tony shook his head, smiling playfully. The two of them walked to the garage, getting into a car to drive to the local omega center.

"Alright, remember, pick one that you want to stay with for the rest of your life. Returning omegas is such a hassle," Tony explained. "Usually, the ones at the center are 12 to 19 years old, since nobody wants one older than that," he chuckled. "Although... I don't think we have too many older omegas at this center." They pulled into the parking lot, Harley jumping out excitedly. This was it!

They went inside the center, where there was already a lineup of omegas waiting for Harley to pick from. There were girls one one side, and boys on the other. His eyes were immediately drawn to one of the male omegas, he looked slightly older than the rest and had a defiant look on his face, which was odd, for a center omega especially.

"Ah, Tony and Harley Stark!" The director of the center came up to them, a big smile on her face. "Please, do take a look around! Let me know if you have any questions." Harley nodded eagerly. Heading for the group of boys. He didn't go to the defiant omega immediately, but instead waited until he had looked at some of the other males first.

There was a bunch of prepubescent omegas, which Harley had always seen as odd, and a bit unethical. He walked right by them, going to the omegas that were 15 or older. This had narrowed his selection down quite a bit, since he was only left with seven omegas to choose from.

Both 15 year old omegas in the group were twins, and Harley frowned, deciding not to split them up (if they even cared- both twins looked awfully numb to the world). There were three 16 year olds- Harley liked one of them, but wasn't done yet. He still hadn't got to the strange omega, who stood at the very end of the line.

Harley spent very little time looking at the 17 year old omega, he really just wasn't what Harley wanted. He went straight to the last omega in the group, who glared at him through narrowed eyes. His information card said he was 18, and his name was Peter. Harley looked Peter up and down, raising an eyebrow at the chains holding him to the floor. None of the other omegas had chains...

Harley frowned, looking back at the information card. It mentioned behavior issues and refusal to obey- which Harley hadn't been surprised about. Still, he was drawn to the omega. He was different, his eyes didn't hold the same dullness that the rest did.

"I want this one," Harley stated, holding up Peter's card. The director stared at him, and Peter looked pretty shocked himself.

"Are- are you sure? We have plenty of better omegas here at the center, like..." she hurried over to the 17 year old. "Pierre! He's 17, and incredibly well behaved. Unlike Peter here." Her words were laced with venom, but she still held that same fake smile. Harley looked at Pierre. He was certainly handsome, with curly black hair and well-defined cheekbones. He looked back at Peter, with his messy brown curls and wide doe eyes.

"I'm sure," he insisted, looking directly at Peter. The omega put his head down, shuffling his feet awkwardly, rattling the chains. The director turned her nose up, scoffing just slightly.

"Want to do a test run first? I highly recommend it." She pointed at a door with a "please knock" sign hung on it. Harley wrinkled his nose, shaking his head.

"Uh, no thanks. If you don't mind, I'd like to take my omega home now, so..." She sighed, nodding defeatedly.

"If you insist. Here's the paperwork for returns. I suggest you take it, he never stays in a home for long," she sneered at Peter, offering a small packet of papers to Harley. He took it hesitantly, and the director forced a smile. She tied Peter's hands together, handing the rope to Harley while she undid the chains holding the omega in place.

"Alright, everything is taken care of. The charge will be sent to your card, have a nice day." Harley nodded, leading Peter out to the car. Tony was waiting for them, glancing at Harley's selection.

"You picked an older one?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Hm. Alright." Harley and Peter both got in the backseat, Harley buckling them both up. "What are those papers for?"

"Oh, they're return forms. She suggested I take them... apparently Peter's been returned a few times," he shrugged, handing the packet to Tony.

"Did you check to make sure he didn't have a mate mark?" Harley looked at Peter, who silently tilted his neck up, exposing it to the blond. It was completely smooth, not a mark in sight.

"Yeah, he's unmated. I don't think they accept mated omegas at the center, anyway." Tony nodded once, setting the papers down to drive home. Peter was completely silent the whole drive, and Harley was beginning to wonder if he was mute, like some omegas were. If he was, it would be fine, of course, Harley wouldn't return him over something like that. But the blond still hoped for his omega to have a voice, even if it was just a short "yessir."

Harley looked at Peter curiously. The boy was staring out the window, a look of awe on his face. This omega was certainly different, Harley could tell. Most center omegas barely showed any emotion, but Peter? He seemed pretty excited to be in a car. Harley smiled lightly, eyes shifting to look at Peter's tied wrists. The director had made sure to do that before unchaining him, and Harley didn't know what to think of it.

"Peter," he murmured softly. The brunette's head whipped around, staring at him with wide eyes for a moment before bowing his head a bit. Harley reached into the car's center console, grabbing a small pocket knife. Peter stiffened, glancing up at the alpha nervously. Harley gently took Peter's tied hands in his, resting them on his lap before carefully sawing through the rope.

"Thank you." The voice was so quiet, Harley had barely heard it. Peter was looking at him, wide doe eyes meeting deep blue. The blond smiled, nodding.

"No problem, darling'," he responded, noticing the blush that spread across Peter's nose and cheeks.

Mmm there'll be a part 2


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