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Romane held my hand as we made our way into the crowded elevator, pressing the button that would take us to the fourteenth floor. He drew my body closely to his, sniffing me as I rap my hands around him,nuzzling my head into his warm neck.


Walking towards the office door I held onto his gray sweat shirt even tighter. The fear of actually seeing a therapist gripping me.
The fear of revisiting those moments of pain and hurt making it hard for me to take another step.

"Marr, are you okay?". He ask, a concern look on his face as he holds on to my trembling shoulder. Tipping my chin up to look into his calming ocean blue eyes.
Puckering his lips in and out, show me the breathing technique to get me to relax, something we often did.

1 inhale...2 exhale...3 inhale...4 exhale.

We did this until my breathing returned back to normal, my trembling coming to a stop. I throw myself at him taking in the muskily sweet scent of his cologne. We stood in the hallway, right in front of the office door for about five minutes. I honestly felt like I could fall a sleep in his cozy arms as my body sagged against his sturdy one.

"Are you ready now babe?".He ask, pulling away from my embrace ,looking into my eyes.

"Yes, I'm ready"

He knocked on the door before us,dragging me along with him.

"Come in" the slightly spanish voice demanded as Romane turned the door handle.

The walls behind the door were pure white reminding me of the hospital. There to the right side of the room were five empty chairs forming a circle,and directly in front of us a big table with well organized documents,books and a laptop on top of it, behind it a big chair familar to one Romane own's. In front are two smaller ones that I'm assuming is for us..

"Hello Mr. Morgan and......Pebbles is it". Hearing the voice i whip my head around to face him.. a devious smile on his face,his eye brow raised..fuckkking shit... Nooooo...nooooooooo...fuckkkkkkkk. This could not be happening.He definitely could not be here,but only he called me by that name, no one else did. shit, I harshly bit my bottom lip, trying to excape his gaze,but as always,I was trapped.

"I think you're making a mistake. Her name is not pebbles. Just in case you've forgotten this is my girlfriend Maria."

I heard nothing said between the two, as I stared into his eyes.
For a minute I was younger, for a minute his long fingers wiped a lone tear from my eye, for a minute he held my once virgin body against his, his hot breath fanning against my lips, fingers tucked into my hair, hungrily staring at me.
The much more upgraded version of the greek devil, hades him self stood before me.
The man I could never resist.
A smirk on his face as if promising, reminding, telling me he would get whatever he wanted from me.

Oh shit, I was fucked.

"Hunny, were you even listen to what I said" Romane exclaimed looking at me oddly.

"Huh?" I responded, my head in a haze.

Shaking his head, he turned away from me.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Montego" he said, hand held out to greet him.

The annoying sound of my ringing phone jolted me from my thoughts.Flipping it out of my small purse, my best friend's name appeared on the screen.
Sliding my finger to the green answering box. I put the phone to my ear as Karren begun to speak.

"Bitchhh!!!!, I've got news for you. Do you know who the fuck is town?"
Tilting me head to the side to look on his chiseled face and strong jaw line,from his pierced straight nose then lightly pink glossy lips. I bring my eyes back to his satanically black ones.He smirks at me an aggrevatingly sexy smile on his face.

"Malike", his name slipped from my lips as he winks at me.

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