Chapter Seventeen

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She's not the catch of the day nor the flavour of the month type of girl. Nope. She's a once in a lifetime all or nothing kinda woman." Han Solo.

Eight Years Later...

Aaron POV

It's been eight years since Arora left me. At first, I started drinking and hardly went to work. I couldn't find her, it's like she disappeared from the face of the earth. What was the use of my power and money? It couldn't buy me the one thing I wanted the most in the world, Arora Valentine.

My drinking habit got so bad and it got to the point that Grams told me that if I didn't stop she was going to end her life and the look in her eyes, I knew she wasn't lying. So I have given up drinking and focused on my work and finding Arora Valentine. I worked from 8am to 6pm. I was always home for dinner by 7pm. Grams and Reba had moved in with me and Grams had made me promise to have dinner at 7pm every night.

I wasn't in a good mood when I walked into my office this morning. Grams had tried to set me up last night with one of her friends' granddaughters. I tried to get my mind off of that. My heart belongs to one woman and one woman alone, Arora Valentine.

Now I know what Prince Charming was feeling trying to find Cinderella who left her at the ball. He didn't know her name, nor where she lived and all he had was her glass shoe. I knew her name and all the businesses she owns and yet it's like Arora Valentine doesn't exist. I wish life could be like a fairy tale, though I didn't believe in them. My secretary showed up with my coffee and pulled me out of my thoughts. Everyone in this building feared me.

"Here's your coffee sir. Anything else you need me to do?"

"That will be okay for now."

"Okay sir!"

"What the fucking is this?"

"Your coffee sir. Black and no sugar."

"There is sugar in this coffee?"

"Sorry sir, they must have mixed up my order. I'll go and get you another one sir."

"That wouldn't be necessary."

"I'm sorry sir.'

"One simple task and you can't get it right. Pack your things, you're fired."

"Sir please don't fire me."

"Get the fuck out my office."

She ran crying towards the door and dumped Ace. Ace comforted her and told her to go and meet with HR. I don't get why Ace would be so nice to my secretaries. If they can't do the simple tasks I instructed them to do, then they are of no use to me.

"That's like the second secretary for this week so far?"

"Don't start with me Ace. I instructed her to do a simple task and she couldn't get it right."

"If you keep firing your secretary like that. There will be one one left to hire in the Goddamn city."

"Did you find anything out?"

"No. Aaron you have to face the fact that Maybe you are not going to find her. It's already like she doesn't exist anymore."

"Have Amy heard from her?"

"No. Amy was disappointed she didn't show up to our wedding."

"Do you think she showed up for her baby shower Ace?"

"To be honest I don't think so. Amy hasn't heard a word from her since she left. She didn't write or call Amy. We left invitations and messages at the company for her. But never got a word if she received it or not."

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