Chapter Fifteen

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 Aaron POV

"Billionaire Aaron Anderson left Cinderella at the ball." So she had to know it was me. I don't trust people who lie to me. Emily, my ex lied to me and slept with my best friend Oliver Johnson. Yeah Johnson, that's why I wanted Johnson's. It was my revenge. Emily didn't want to stick around with me when I had nothing. She went behind my back and see Oliver because he could buy her designer stuff and I couldn't.

When I caught them in my bed having sex together, I wanted to killed them. But they weren't worth it, for me to go to jail for them. She actually told me she was pregnant and the baby wasn't mine. It's Oliver and she is going to marry him. I just walked out. Leaving all my clothes and stuff behind because I couldn't stand to be there another minute. And now years, Johnson is falling and he is planning to sell. I wanted Emily to see what she left me for. That she could have everything if she had stayed loyal by my side. Since then I haven't opened up my heart to love until Arora Valentine.

I finally got out of my car and headed for my penthouse. I really need a hot shower. I opened my door and there Grams is.

"Good evening! You got home early."

"Good night! Yes, I know you are here all by yourself."

"Awww... Isn't that sweet! What time is Isla going to be here Aaron?"

"Grams, Isla and I broke up and I don't want to talk about it. Now if you excuse me, I am gonna to shower. You can order whatever you would like to have for dinner."

"What would you like to have?"

"Grams, I am not hungry. But please make sure you eat something or else I am going to call Reba to come stay here while you are here."

I walked to my room, leaving Grams to stand there. I went to the shower and then went to sleep.

Eight weeks later...

Arora had called and texted me Every day so far. And all the calls and messages I have ignored. I don't want to hear whatever excuses she has made. She is still trying to get Johnson's and the price has gone up three times more and has other buyers coming on board to get Johnson's as well.

Ace went over to Johnson to have him sell to us but Oliver thinks with the fight over the company will raise his stock value and he will be able to run it himself. So he refused my offer. When I went to AV I was hoping we could have worked together and not have other buyers come into the picture.

My aim was to have AV to pull out and then I will pull out which would make the stocks collapse. And AV if still wanted could have bought it cheap. But things didn't go as planned. I can't pull out now because Arora is gonna win and Johnson will have a happy ever after which he didn't deserve.

Ace came into my office and doesn't even bother knocking these days. At least he stopped telling me I should give Arora a chance to explain herself. Amy also stopped calling me all together.

"Aren't you supposed to be heading home now? You can't keep Grams waiting."

"Yes. I am heading out in a few. How is Amy by the way?"

"Aaron, she is still pissed at you."

"Oh! So you and Amy? I never thought the two of you could stay in the same room together without killing each other."

"Well bro, you know what they said, "hate turns into love."

"You love her Ace?"

"I am crazy for her. She pisses me off, but I can't seem to get enough of her. I think I am falling in love with her Aaron.,

"I am happy for you Ace. I have to go now. See you tomorrow."

Who would have thought my two best friends would hit it off. I just wish Amy won't be mad at me anymore. She's like my baby sister after all. I arrive home and sometimes smell so good. It smells like Lasagna. Like Grams got tired of eating take out so she decided to cook dinner tonight. Since Isla, I mean Arora and I.. Well you know, I haven't cooked back.

"Good evening Grams! Something smells good!"

"Good Evening sweetheart! I am making lasagna. So go clean up and meet me at the dining table in ten minutes."

"Okay Grams."

Grams were all quiet at the dining table. Usually, she's talking up a storm. I wonder what could be troubling her.

"Grams are you okay?"

"Are you and Isla.. I mean Arora back together?"


"Then no I am not okay."

"Grams, I already told you it's never gonna work."

"Aaron, you never give her a chance. So what, she lied about her name?"

"That's the problem, Grams."

"Then what is the problem Aaron?"

"It's complicated.!"

"Aaron, 'you think you've seen her naked because she took off her clothes? Tell me about her dreams, tell me what breaks her heart. What is she passionate about and What makes her cry? Tell me about her childhood. Better yet, tell me one story about her that you're not in. You've seen her skin and you've touched her body, but you still know as much about her as a book you once found, but never got around opening.' "

"Grams, who are you quoting?"

"I can't remember the writer's name. But, my point is because you see something her naked means you know it. Son, not everything is how it seems. Maybe she has her reasons for wanting to buy Johnson. Give her a chance to explain and then you decide whether she is worth being a partà of your life."

"Grams, you sound smart you know."

"It's years of experience my sweet dear boy."

"I am not a boy anymore grams."

"Well when you stop behaving like a boy and act more like a man, I will."


"Sweetheart, I just don't want to see you get hurt by regretting something later on."

"Would it make you happy if I go talk to her tomorrow."

"That would be awesome."

"You seem fond of her. And if I remember correctly you called her a slut when you met her."

"What did you expect? She was naked and only had on your shirts answering your door. What else do you expect me to think."

"Okay Grams! It's late, I am heading to bed. Good night!

"Good night Aaron!"

In my bed, I am tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep. Maybe everyone is right, I should give her a chance to explain. Maybe she has other reasons, other than deceiving me. Maybe Arora is right, I can be an ignorant jackass sometimes. Okay it's not a maybe. I am an ignorant jackass all the time. I thought of calling her but I need to talk to her in person. Until tomorrow Arora Anderson.

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