Chapter Four

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"Don't be a queen waiting on her king to come along. Be a queen busy with her kingdom until her king arrives."   Unknown

Arora POV

I can't believe I'm late, I thought as I made my way to the stairwell. I close my eyes and pray that I don't fall while looking down at the stairs and my dress. When a hand suddenly grabs mine, I look up to see Sam. He gave me a friendly smile.

"May I accompany you down?" He inquired. I nodded and smiled.

As we walked down the stairs, Luke Bryan's song "what she wants tonight" began to play, and the entire room began to stare at me, making me feel uneasy. Obviously, I wished I had chosen the other dress. I inhaled deeply and exhaled. I keep reminding myself that I am AV, a strong and cunning woman.

Aaron POV

As I heard everyone's gasp, I turned my head towards the staircase and followed their gaze to one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen in my life. Her beauty is on a whole new level. Her skin is brown, and she reminds me of the Caribbean in some ways. I'm not sure what it was about her that melted my heart, but I don't mind spending the rest of my life trying to figure it out. In contrast to my ex, she appears pure, like an angel sent from above to change me.

She was dressed in a red long ball gown dress, a red mask that matched her dress, and a crown. She's like my Cinderella. Her hair is long over her buttocks and chestnut brown, with a fiery red tip. Her lips are also the same shade of red. I wish I could kiss those luscious lips of hers. I can't believe I'm drooping over her like a dog.

What is it about this woman that makes me fall head over heels in love with her? Men's mouths were open as they looked at her. Who wouldn't? A sexy hourglass figure with a nice butt and those huge tits of hers. How I wish I could squeeze her perfect tits.

Then I notice she's with Sam and Amy. I knew Sam and Amy and had met all of their friends, but I had never seen this exotic woman before. I approached Sam and Amy and introduced myself to the mystery woman before they revealed my identity. After all, this is a costume ball.

I took her hand in mine and kissed it. "My name is Oliver Queen, and I'm a green arrow." I told her as I looked her in the eyes. I could spend a lifetime staring into those eyes. What exactly is this woman doing to me?

I noticed Amy about to open her mouth to say something. "Amy, I thought this was a costume ball and you'd come as someone else, but here you are with your usual witch look." I gave her a look, and she seemed to understand what I meant.

"Well, Mr. Arrow, I never knew the devil played the good guy." With a smirk on her face, she said. The sweetest smile on the face of this beautiful mystery woman sent chills down my spine.

"It's my best friend..." Amy begins to speak when this unknown woman cuts her off. Even her voice is seductive.

"My name is Cinderella, and it's a pleasure to meet you." She said this after Sam told her he wanted her to meet a friend of his. I watch as he leads her away.

"Please don't tell Amy who I am. Tell her my name is Aaron Queen and I work as a manager at AA if she asks." In a serious tone, I told her.

"So, you like her? What happened to Aaron Anderson? He didn't chase women, but women chased him." She mumbled with a smirk.

"Amy, you should know that I can have any woman I want. I'm just checking to make sure she's not a gold digger." When I told her, her expression changed.

"Mr. Anderson, my friend isn't a good digger, and if you believe she is, you should back off. She is the kindest and most generous person I know. I love you as if you were my brother, and I love her as if she were my sister." She spoke in a solemn tone.

"I just wanted to try something new for a change. And I don't want her to know who I am; is that so difficult to ask?" I informed her.

"It appears that Mr. Playboy has finally met his match, sweetheart; your charms may work on other women, but not on her." She burst out laughing.

"Is that a challenge?" With an annoying smirk, I ask her.

"You don't stand a chance, Aaron; you're not even her type." She stated.

"Would you like to place a wager?" I inquired.

"Sure, sure. You have one month to make her your girlfriend; if I win, you will pay for my trip to Paris." She replied.


I've been staring at Aaron since Arora walked in; he couldn't take his gaze away from her. Every man in the room is staring at Arora, but his gaze is unique. He'd never looked at another girl in that way, not even Emily.

I know I'll lose this bet with him, but it's probably the only way he'll pursue her. And if a woman makes Aaron feel anything, he'll run faster than a horse. The question is what he would force me to do if he won.

"If I win, you must clean my penthouse for a month, and I mean clean it yourself." He replied with a big grin on his face.

I want to slap that smug grin off his face. Is there anything I will not do for the sake of my friends? I saw the same spark in Arora's eyes as I did in Aaron's; perhaps they will heal each other.

"Okay, fine, but you'll never win. Let's shake on it. One month." We both shake our heads.

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