Chapter Nineteen: Graduation and Boston

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Y/N's Pov
I was sitting in my chair at graduation.
"I would like to present our valedictorian, Y/N Gilmore," The Principal said while I went up. Everyone clapped.
"Welcome everyone," I started. "Today we are graduating from high school. Many of us have been excited, and wanting it to come quickly. Whom I was of those people. I wanted to graduate and leave. But now that the day is here, I am sad it is. Leaving is probably the hardest thing any of us will have to deal with, it means that we're on our own. It means leaving teachers, friends, and family that inspired us.
I live in many worlds, one of books. I've been through many love stories with Nicholas Sparks, adventures with Suzanne Collins, tragic events with Lemony Snicket. They all have been a huge inspiration on my life.
But my other world, which is far superior. My sister, Rory, who has helped me with breakups, advice on school, and has been there for me. Luke, many people don't know this about him, but he's always been like a second father to me. He gave me a place to study, and a place to be if I need a cup of coffee. Richard and Emily Gilmore, the best grandparents a girl could have. They're my twin pillars, which whom I cannot stand with out. Thank you for everything. Lorelai Gilmore, my mother. Whom I received my name, and life's blood. She's my best friend, she's supported me with everything I've done. Even things that she might disagree with at times, she was still there for me. She filled our house with music, books, art, and a whole lot of love. I don't think that she ever realized that the person I most wanted to be was her. Thank you mom, for everything. The last person I wanted to recognize isn't actually here. I'm not going to say who it is, but most of you already know. But he has been a big inspiration on my life, he's shared laughs, cry's, even smiles with," I could feel myself start to tear up. "Whom has shown me to take risks, and has shown me that it's okay to make mistakes. Thank you, I really appreciate the impact he had on my life," I said wiping my eyes.
"This years valedictorian," The principal said, and everyone clapped.
I grabbed my paper, and walked off the podium.
After Graduation~~
I was at Luke's with mom.
"So hon, how does it feel to graduate?" She asked.
"It feels good. I just wish Jess was here," I said.
"I know you were talking about him," Mom said taking a sip of her coffee.
"Yeah," I smiled.
"Your also moving to Boston tomorrow," She said.
"Yeah, I'm excited. Just nervous," I said.
"About school? Or Boston?" She asked.
"Both I guess. I just expected that Jess would move to Boston with me," I sighed at myself, because I kept bringing up Jess.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"I know it hurt Y/N. And I also know that you love him," Mom said.
"I don't know, maybe I do," I said.
At Home~~
Me and mom were packing my things for Boston. I grabbed a small box that was under my bed. I opened it. The ColdPlay ticket, I didn't notice before, but something was written on the back.
If you were wondering, I asked Luke what your favorite band was.
I smiled and put the small box in my personal bag.
We finished packing most of my things, and me and mom watched a movie, and spent in the living room.
I woke up the next morning at like 8 am. Me and mom got ready for the day, and Luke came over to help us pack my stuff.
"So Y/N.. where's your apartment?" Mom asked.
"It's a couple miles away from the school, which is pretty close," I shrugged, a habit I picked up from Jess.
"Is it big? Or small? Do you have roommates?" Mom asked.
"It's pretty small, a bedroom, bathroom, the kitchen and living room, are the same room," I told her.
"Roommates?" She asked.
I shook my head.
"Okay," She smiled.
"Okay," I smiled back.
We finished packing most of my things into Luke's truck.
"Y/N can with Luke, I'll follow behind the moving van," Mom said.
"Okay," I said getting into Luke's truck.
We stared driving.
"Listen.. Y/N.." Luke started. "I should've given this to you a long time ago,"
Luke gave me a piece of paper. I opened it and read it.
Dear Luke,
I'm sorry for leaving, but I had to. Please tell Y/N that I'm sorry, and that I never wanted to hurt her.
"Thanks Luke," I smiled.
"Yeah," He said.
"And thanks for what you said in your speech," Luke said.
"Oh, of course, it was all true," I smiled.
"I'm glad," Luke said.
We pulled up to my new apartment and we got out.
"Wow," Luke said obviously disappointed.
"Yeah," I said agreeing with him.
Mom pulled up and got out.
"Ew. Where are we?" Mom asked.
"Mom, it's my apartment," I said, and she silently laughed.

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