Chapter Six: Tutoring

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Chapter Six! Hope you enjoy!
Y/N's Pov
I was at home in my room studying when mom and Luke came in.
"Hey Luke," I told him.
"Hey, Y/N," Luke told me.
"I have a huge favor to ask," Luke told me. I nodded.
"Jess is kind of- not doing well in school, and I thought it would be great if you could help him out," Luke told me.
"Um yeah, sure, what subject?" I asked him.
"All of them," Luke told me.
"Oh okay, I can come by the diner tonight," I told him.
"Yeah! That would be great, thank you so much Y/N. I just need someone who Jess will listen to, ya know?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's no problem, really," I told him.
I turned back around and finished my homework
At Luke's~~
I was at Luke's with my mom and Rory finishing our food. Mom was stalling.
"I'll be home early," I insisted.
"Fine, bye," She told me.
"Bye," I told her.
"Bye Jess," Mom said looking at Jess.
"Mam," Jess said as mom rolled her eyes.
I walked over to Jess.
"So you ready to start?" I asked him.
"Yes I am," He told me.
"Where are you books?" I asked him.
"Huh, I don't know," He told me.
"How are we gonna study without your books?" I asked him.
"Guess we can't, too bad. What now, movie?" He asked.
"Get your books," I told him.
"The cat eatem," Jess told me.
"Get your books, or I'm going home," I told him sternly.
"Wait there," He told me.
He went out, then back over to me. He showed me a towel, then made an apple appear. He slightly moved the apple in his hand. I looked at him and back at the apple. I took it.

We went to a table and I looked into the books

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We went to a table and I looked into the books.
"Explain to me the political remission of the Marshall plan," I told him.
"Pick a card," Jess aksed me showing me cards, and I threw them in the trash.
"Huh, well that just made the trick a little bit harder," Jess said looking into the trash.
"Jess focus," I told him.
"Where's Tristan tonight?" Jess aksed me.
"We just went over this, there's no way you already forgot it," I said ignoring his question.
"School?" Jess aksed.
"I will make you write it out 50 times on the specials board if that's what it takes," I told him.
"If he's not doing school, he must be free. Does he know your here?" Jess asked.
"No.. he doesn't, he's visiting his grandmother," I told Jess.
"Where?" Jess asked.
"New York," I told him.
"So he doesn't know?" Jess asked.
"It wouldn't matter," I told him.
"So you'll tell him when he gets back?" He aksed me.
"We'er studying," I told him.
"Your studying, I'm praying into your personal life," He told me.
"Jess, why won't you at least try to remember the Marshall plan?" I asked him.
"Have you ever read Please kill me?" He asked.
"No," I told him.
"You'd like it, you can barrow it if you want," Jess told me.
"I'm here to help you study, if you want me to go, I'll go, but if you want me to stay, you will stop distracting me, and pay attention. Understand?" I aksed him.
"I understand," He told me.
"And yes I would like to barrow it, thank you very much, now open your book" I said looking back down at my book.
Later That Night~~
"Done," Jess said handing me his paper.
"This isn't Shakespeare," I told him.
"It's not?" He asked.
"It's the words to a ColdPlay song," I said looking up at him.
"Ahh, but which ColdPlay song?" He asked.
"Hey, I'm not the one being tested right now," I told him.
"10 seconds," He said looking at his watch.
"Jess," I said.
"9...8...7...6.." He started.
"Stop it," I said.
"5...4...3.." Jess said.
"You know your really starting- Oh! Yellow," I told him.
"A plus," He told me.
"Why would you even agree to the studying in the first place?" I asked him.
"Because Luke said I had too," Jess told me.
"You've never done anything because someone said you had too," I told him.
"I'm here because someone said I had too," Jess added
"Very different," I told him.
"Yeah, well, hey do you wanna get out of here?" Jess aksed me.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm sick of studying," Jess told me.
"How can you be sick of studying? You haven't done any studying, you've done card tricks, you've made coffee, you explained how on earth Cole Pick could possibly be considered as a band, but as of yet, no studying," I told him.
"That's your car?" Jess asked me.
"Yes it is," I answered.
"Okay, I'm tell you what, we go get some ice cream, and when we get back, I'm study," He said to me getting close.
"This is a diner, they have ice cream here," I told him.
"Yes, but we don't have any cones," He told me.
"Cones?" I aksed him.
"Yes I need cones," He said.
"So we go get ice cream," I started.
"In cones," He clarified.
"You'll be a perfect student for the rest of the night?" I asked.
"That's right," He told me.
"I cannot believe you less," I told him.
"Here you drive," I told him.
"Yep," He told me.
After Ice Cream~~
"You have admit it! It's always better in a cone!" He told me.
"It's always better in a cone," I agreed.
"Eating Ice Cream in a dish? With a spoon?" He asked.
"What's wrong with people?" I aksed Jess.
"Hold the wheel," Jess said out of no where.
"I'm dripping here, hold the wheel," He told me.
"I can't hold the wheel. The person who's driving has to hold the wheel. That's the first thing they teach you in drivers-ed," I told him laughing a little.
"Huh, I gotta take that class one of these days, take the wheel!" He told me.
"Jess," I complained.
"I'm letting go," He said letting go of the wheel. I grabbed it.
"Stop! Your taking it back, and when you do, I'm going to kill you, just letting you know that," I told him.
"I appreciate that warning," He told me.
"Jess!" I shouted.
"Okay, I got it, geez you look pale. You okay?" He aksed laughing.
"Death, and it's going to be painful," I told him.
"Your not going to kill me, think how dull your life would be without me," He said glancing at me.
"Serious question," I told him.
"Okay," He responded.
"You know your smarter than almost everybody at your school, it takes you 5 minutes to read a book, you could ace those classes easily, why don't you?" I asked him.
"Whatever," He told me.
"You could do anything, you could be anything you wanted," I told him.
"Y/N.." He said.
"Isn't it like a cool thing?" I asked him.
"I could care less about being cool," He the me.
"Inform me, please?" I asked.
"I'm never going to college, so why waist the time in high school?" He asked me.
"Your not going to college?" I asked him.
"No way," He told me.
We stayed quiet.
"So Courtney, what about you?" He aksed. We both couldn't hold back our laughs.
"What about me?" I asked.
"What are your big ambitious?" He asked.
"Graduate high school," I told him.
"And after?" He asked.
"I don't know.." I said looking down at my hands.
"Hey.. it's okay," He told me.
"But it's not, I have no plans, isn't that bad?" I asked looking up at him.
"It's not," He told me.
"Okay, well we should be heading back. I did promise to study if you went on this Ice Cream run with me," He said and I nodded.
"Okay, I'm go strait and we'll be back at Luke's," He told me.
"Good sense of direction," I told him.
"But of course if we go right.. we'll just be driving around for a while in circles," He told me.
"Turn right," I said smiling.
"As you wish," He said turning.
Right as we turned something ran into the middle of the road.
"Jess!" I shrieked.
He swerved and we hit a stone. My wrist hit the dashboard and I shrieked of pain. Jess turned to me.
"Y/N, are alright?" Jess asked me.
"No, my wrist hurts," I said as I started crying.
He cupped the side of my face and wiped my tears with his thumb. Then the cops showed up. Jess started to get up. I grabbed his arm.
"Don't leave," I told him.
"I'll be right back," He told me.
"Promise?" I asked him.
"I promise," He nodded.
He got out and went to go talk to the police. An ambulance showed up and Jess ran over to me and helped me out of the car. I got scard and I started to cry.
"Hey, your gonna be okay," He told me. I nodded.
He lead me into the ambulance. I smiled before walking away.
After the whole Lorelai thing because I'm too lazy to write it~~
Mom went home and walked to the docks and saw Jess and Luke sitting in silence. As soon as Jess saw me he ran over to me. He looked a my casted arm.
"I'm so sorry.." He wispered.
"It's not your fault," I told him.
He brought me into a hug. Luke told Jess that he was going back to the diner. Me and Jess stayed like this for a while longer. I rested my head against his chest and took in his sent. Smoke, books, and mint? I smiled and then pulled back. I have a boyfriend, I kept reminding myself. I looked up at him.
"I have to go. I'm sorry," I told him.
"Okay," He said stuffing his hands into his back pockets.
"I'll see you next week?" I asked him.
"What's next week?" He asked.
"Um, Sookie's wedding," I told him.
He nodded. I turned around and walked back home.

What'd you think??
I just changed it up a little, so it wouldn't be an exact replica of Rory and Jess.

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