3. January

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Becca stood alone in the middle of Ethan's dimly lit bedroom one morning after a scalding hot shower while flecks of snow flurried outside. She stood in front of the double wide full length mirror taking in her full form - the unchanged curvature of her hips and abdomen.

"I'd be in my second trimester..." she whispered to herself as she ran a hand delicately from her breast and lingering down to the blank space of skin below her navel.

It would have been born in June .

It was 6:30 in the morning and they needed to be at work in thirty minutes. When Ethan didn't hear the familiar scuttering of his girlfriend hastily getting ready after choosing another twenty minutes of sleep he grew worried that something may have happened.

He gingerly opened the door to see his love transfixed in front of the mirror. He crossed the distance quietly in four long strides. Snaking his arms around her he whispered into her ear, "Are you okay?"

There Ethan stood in his standard work attire holding Becca's cold naked body close to him, his left hand securely wrapped around her midsection and his right hand placed on top of hers at her stomach. His clean shaven chin rested on her shoulder and his bright blue eyes searched her features for the explanation he knew was never coming.

"Yeah," she breathed as she snapped back into reality. Ethan could feel the goosebumps beginning to prick her skin and eyes started to glaze over as she pulled away from him. "Give me a minute. I'll be ready in five."

Becca still cried at the thought of what's been lost. She still couldn't walk past the neonatal wing of the hospital, or any babies for that matter. Even infants on social media or television bring tears to her eyes. Some days the extreme emptiness hits harder than others.

Ethan still refused to talk about it. He wanted nothing more than to know how exactly he could help her without having to guess each and every day. But that would be breaking their solemn vow. He couldn't break his promise after she explicitly asked him not to all those weeks ago at her appointment. Ethan couldn't let her down; not now, not ever again.

Unbeknownst to him, Rebecca wanted nothing more than to confront the fact head on, she's done her self deprecating wallowing and was ready to divulge. She wanted to know what's going on inside his head. But after the last time she tried to bring it up she feared that if she continued it would be to the detriment of their relationship.

They were sitting on Ethan's couch watching a Blue Planet documentary. Ethan comfortably laid back with his feet perched on an ottoman and Becca's legs draped over his lap. She had the purple fleece blanket she brought from her apartment snuggled around her torso. Neither were too intrigued by this segment on flying fish, so Becca picked at the chipping paint on her fingernails and Ethan closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of how this woman beside him could make him feel so at home .

Out of nowhere the demons eating at Becca's core shakily asked, "What would we have done if we kept it?"

Truth be told Becca had been thinking this since the moment she swallowed the first pill. What would their life be like here and now?

"Stop, Rookie," he sternly admonished. Ethan knew she was treading down a slippery slope. She had finally started going through a routine like normal and he believed entertaining this notion would have her regress back into the shell of the woman he once knew. "No point in dwelling on the past."

Becca pursed her lips and gave him an unsatisfied nod. She could push the subject but she wasn't strong enough for that. She used every little bit of courage she had to let the thoughts slip off her tongue without the twin tears rolling down her cheeks. The topic seemed like taboo.

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