Bonus Chapter

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"not again!" I shouted for what seemed for the hundredth time today

"when I told you to stay away from them cant you understand for once" I shouted and killed that bug on the spot

Well, the story is there is this new gang called 'the unarms' and they think they can kill QOD and acquire the Spanish mafia and they threatened me with my oh-so-dear king. I still cant understand how that stupid got caught, I need to train him. So now we are here I am killing those newbies to save Damon.

And I have a stab wound on my left thigh by the way, it doesn't hurt which is why I m lucky

Now back on the battle field and by battle field I mean the old abended park in our area I was Nearly killing the man in front of me when I heard a groan from behind me followed by a loud bark, as I turned to see I saw a dog biting the shit out of a man who was about to shoot me from behind

Good dog I am keeping him

Then the dog suddenly came to me stood near my legs and started to growl loudly scaring the others.

"such a good dog I swear you are better than Damon and Blakey in scaring them" I said to which it winked

It WINKED OH MY FUCKING GOD dogs can wink too

"you wink better than Damon" I said then we both started to fight and we won easily

Then the dog lead was sniffing on the ground and pulling me somewhere so I just followed until we reached a old spoiled car

"why did you bring me here baby?" I asked the dog

It went towards the trunk and started to bark trying to tell me something I did not understand it until I heard muffled scrams followed by struggling sound in the trunk of the car I took no time in going to the back and breaking the car trunk to see Damon tied up and with a tape on his mouth

I sighed deeply and revealed him from his bounds and immediately regretted it as he straight started to shout at me


"says who the one who has bruised lips and a black eye" I retorted

"that's nothing compared to a FUCKING STAB WOUND ELENA"

"fine lets go home we can see what Austin says about it" I said

Austin is now the official doctor of our house

"and where did you get this dog?" he asked me

"it's no ordinary dog it's my baby and be grateful it was the one who saved you right baby?" I asked last part facing to my baby to which it wagged its tail and barked

"wow I feel replaced" I heard Damon complain

"nah you are my Damon Salvatore and my baby here is my Stephan Salvatore" I said

"fine anything you need to get treated lets get home" he said pulling me then I stopped and asked "what about baby Stephan?"

"do you really care about that dog?"

"yes and if you won't allow Stephan to come with us I will blead to death but wont go home without Stephan he is my first love Damon" I said adding my famous 'emotional blackmail' act

"fine, fine he can come" he said with a huff I smiled and jumped on his back saying

"carry me I can't walk I need medical attention"

~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

"so, Daisy is he staying here?" Lucca asked

"of course, bubba I can't live without my first love" I said placing a hand on my heart of dramatic effect

"fine stop it Lilliput I dressed your wound make sure you rest or else you can make it serious"

"first I am not a Lilliput you are all giant's second you are the worst twin ever and third I am sleepy so good night" I said and went to bed "before I forget, best twin in the world will you please do your beautiful twin a favor and help my baby Stephan to settle in, oh thanks for help" I said and closed the door of my room before he can complain and sleep peacefully, but not before writing it in my dairy. 

baby Stephan 👆🏻👆🏻

and in the next chapter you will get to know about her treasure box (i don't know how many of you remember about it as it was mentioned a long time before) 

for this chapter i want to thank alphawolfkis for the idea of dog 


i don't know when i will be updating next chapter as i am moving to Seatell from Florida which is like half way across the world (just kidding) sooooo.......

i just hope i update soon 

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