8 Dad

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Elijah or Damon?


I woke up by hearing Robert cry

Now why would that cutie pie cry?

You think I know I am still sleeping

Wake up stupid


As I open my eyes, I see dad pointing gun at papà and I sat up and ran towards dad ignoring the wires on my wrist as soon as dad saw me and pulled me into a hug

"Я скучал по тебе" (I missed you) I whispered in his ear

"я тоже, но какого черта ты не подумал позвонить мне? и почему он называет себя твоим отцом? Какого черта Давид тоже на их стороне? Почему Энтони здесь? Почему ты в больнице? Где Эмили ..." (me too but why the hell did you not think of calling me? and why dose he call himself your father? Why the hell is David also taking their side? Why is Anthony here? Why are you in hospital? Where is Emily...) dad said a bit too fast for me to catch up

"успокойся, папа, я расскажу тебе все, но сначала скажи своим людям, чтобы они освободили мою семью от их оружия" (calm down dad I will tell you everything but first tell your men to release my family from their gun) I replied

"family?" he sounded confused

Then I walked over to Robert and faced the man pointing gun to Robby and told him to lower the gun, because I call Vadmin dad (in a way I even treat him as one) I am officially known to everyone in his mafia

(I know that dad, uncle and papà are in mafia as dad and uncle told me and as for papà, being 'the queen of death' they once asked me to join their group but I refused so I know everything but I won't say it until they gain my trust completely and one more thing me being queen of death only Alex and Rovin knows not even dad and uncle unfortunately both of them were forced to leave me; about that I will tell you in future chapter now back to the story)

So as soon as I said a man to lower the gun who was pointing at Robert he did and Robby ran into my arms crying, I won't blame him he is just four, "don't worry they won't hurt you I am here" I said comforting him

"hey! do I need to tell everyone put those guns down? they are my family" as soon as I said that everyone dropped their guns then I went towards mom and dad with Robby in my arms and said to dad

"dad meet my papa and mamma; papa mamma meet dad but by looks on your face I think you know each other" I said

"we met while doing business" papa said

"but dad aren't you in mafia business?" I asked and as soon as I said that all my family members turned to me

"you know about mafia?" papà asked

"of course, I know dad is the most powerful mafia leader anyway why do you ask?" I replied

"actually, we are the Italian mafia" zander said

Thanks for saying but I know it remember you were the one who came to me to make me sign the contract of me joining your gang remember?

I know I am queen of death they don't so why will the remember? I asked kola

Ahh...! my stupid human doesn't even know how to joke

Thanks for enlightening me

"Ana you ok? You zoned out" I was out of my conversation with kola when papà said it

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