chapter 16

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when the two walk inside, joohyun looks around. the place was pretty huge. as soon as you entered it, you could see the kart helmets. there was painted tire tracks on the red walls. if you looked farther, there was a kitchen and seats, so people can eat.

there was also a mini arcade, too. there was a claw machine, few racing games, and shooting games. kids filled them up, most of them looking 12-16. must've been a pretty popular place.

seulgi notices her staring at the kitchen. "if you're hungry, i can buy you a snack. i already have plans for dinner." irene looks up at her and nods.

the girl really has thought of everything. the two walks up the two walks up to the reception and is greeted by an old japanese man. the man looks at seulgi first and grins, a few of his silver capped teeth showing. "kang seulgi, just the troublemaker i wanted to see! i missed seeing this face around."

seulgi grins back and comes in for a hug with the man, who gladly accepts it. "hey, mr. kyota. how have you been, old man?" she says back.

irene quietly watched their interaction. seems like the two have had their ups and downs in the past, but it's never been any bad love between them.

"i've been good. the grandkids miss seeing you and your friends around here, though." the old man finally notices the shorter girl, "and who is this lovely young lady?" the old man charms.

the class president blushes. "hey, watch it, old man, this is my girl—er, well, i hope." seulgi playfully says. "hi, i'm irene. i hope you have some stories to tell me about seulgi."

"well, it's a pleasure to meet you. she never brought a girl in here before, so of course i have stories for you." the old man replies with a wink.

some embarrassing stories of seulgi's younger days? joohyun just had to hear them. the fact that the raven haired girl never brought anyone here didn't go unoticed, though. seulgi chuckles nervously. "no, no, no. you don't need to know about that. how about two helmets, old man? you know which one i like." she says, smoothly changing the subject.

the man nods and turns around to the helmets, giving seulgi a yellow one that seemed to have her initials carved into the side where the number is, which was 13, or her jersey number while the class president got a pink one with the number 5. "hey, you two kids. food's on me tonight. and keep this kid out of trouble, love."

the two thank the owner and head to the carts, preparing and walk over to the cars that correspond with the number on the helmets. the two hop in them and drive it to the track.

"hey, kang! i hope you're prepared to lose!" joohyun teases which makes the younger girl scoff. "i was basically raised here, sweetheart! it would be unlikely for you to able to beat me!" she yells back.

they rev up the karts and when the light turns green, the two drive off, the karts making a loud noise as they did.

after an hour and a half of racing one another and seulgi winning a few stuff bears from the claw machine, and they took a couple of photos in the photo booth. the two were walking out of the building hand in hand. they had the biggest grins on their face, laughing about the laps they took around in the karts. "didn't i tell you that you were going to lose? they don't call me the queen of games for nothing." irene says smugly.

"yeah, yeah,whatever. i'll get my rematch another time." seulgi says back as she opens the backseat door of the car and holds her hand out for her date. "my, my, miss kang, you are such the gentlewoman." she teases as she so gratefully takes her hand and gets inside the car with seulgi following in.

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