Chapter 91: The Stealth Mission

Start from the beginning

Several large warehouses took up the west end of the massive quarry. Each one two to three stories high, they looked to be made of a funny jumble of wood and metal clashed together hastily. Large, dirty windows interrupted the pattern here and there. The biggest of these warehouses sat the closest to the quarry, and it was there the people went in and out, hauling minerals, carts, and tools. A couple of smaller shacks sitting close to it appeared to be storage sheds for equipment and for the animals. The other two warehouses, however, sat several hundred feet apart from the largest, and it was there Zane first noticed the patrols of lion-sized cats prowling around.

"Moon Tribe warriors," he hissed to Lloyd.

Lloyd's head shifted ever-so-slightly to the left, but he otherwise did not move.

Zane scanned the scene. "At least a dozen of them, although I am sure there are more."

Lloyd peered at the smaller warehouses. A pair of nekomata were pacing idly by the large front doors. "It looks like they're guarding something in those other warehouses. I wonder what it could be."

"Indeed..." Zane's eyes narrowed as he scanned the buildings. He wondered what—or who—was being guarded within those doors.


"Hm?" Zane shook his head and turned back to Lloyd.

"Come on," his friend was hissing, backing away. "Time to report back. I think I've got an idea."

Zane hesitated, then followed. He told himself he would be back soon.

* * *

It was amazing how quickly a room could stink of B.O. with five people hanging around in it since last night. Liana wrinkled her nose against the smell. She and the rest of the ninja had only slept here in the attic and been sitting around for a few hours this morning, but already it was feeling cramped and stuffy in here.

For the time being, Liana stationed herself at one end of the room, where she had located a window. She'd carefully cracked it so that a small breeze could come in, and it was there she sat in the corner. To pass the time, she alternated between restyling her ponytail, practicing some exercises with her nunchucks, and playing with her necklace. She could hear Jay, Nya, and Little Leaf together at the other end of the room now, chattering on about that movie they'd watched—"Starfarers", as she recalled.

Somebody was walking toward her. Already identifying the set of heavy footsteps, Liana felt her heart give a nervous jump. "Hey, Cole."

"Hey." He sat down beside her. She felt oddly happy that he'd chosen to sit with her. Hastily, she tucked the smooth crystal pendant of her necklace back into her shirt; she preferred to keep it safe from breaking in any combat.

"So, ah..." She attempted to make some conversation. "When will Lloyd and Zane be back?"

"Soon, hopefully," he responded.

"Right." She nodded knowingly, feeling awkward. She and Cole hadn't really spoken to one another since last night, when she'd held his hand. It'd felt perfect then, but looking back, she realized it was kind of weird and stupid of her. Sure, she'd just woken up from that strange Dark Sleep nightmare and had been scared, but still...

"How're you doing?" Cole's voice jolted her out of her thoughts, and she felt herself blush.


"How are you doing? After last night," he repeated. "The nightmare...?"

"Oh! Oh, oh, yeah, yeah..." She fiddled with her nunchucks again. "Um, yeah, I'm OK. It wasn't as bad this time." But Eagle Talon was in it, and he killed you, she wanted to add. Yet she held her tongue. Some horrors she should keep only to herself.

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