Chapter 21

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Buck and Tk are in buck's apartment watching a movie until Oliver and Carlos knock on the door.

"Tk, Buck get up," Oliver said as he pulls the two from the couch.

"What it's getting to the good part" Tk replied as he focuses his eyes on the screen.

"Buck totally cheated. I scheduled in advance to watch Titanic today but you guys are watching what is that?" Oliver asks as he tries to figure out the name of the show.

"Grey's anatomy" Buck replied as he took some popcorn from the bowl

"Your watching grey's anatomy doing surgery while eating popcorn," Carlos asks weirded by their behaviors.

"What? It's not like we are the one doing the surgery" Tk replied still focusing on the tv.

"Well how long till that is over?" Oliver asks.

"In a few minutes so just wait okay, Oli" Buck replied.

"Wow, these two are made for each other because neither of them can take their eyes off the tv showing a man being dissected with blood everywhere and still manage to eat popcorn"  Carlos replied.

"Hey don't judge us... and hey you guys had sex multiple times and yet you only date after about your 10th round" Buck replied.

"For your information it's 18th and I don't need to explain myself to you brother," Oliver said and grabs popcorn in the microwave.

"Well It's done anyway let's go watch Titanic now," Tk said as he stands up and takes some popcorn from Oliver's bowl.

"Oh hell to the no! you guys already watch your own so let us watch our own movie, alone," Oliver said as he grabs the remote.

"Don't think that's a good idea leaving you two alone on my couch, Who knows what you'll do after the movie" Buck replied.

"Fare point" Carlos added and let Tk sit next to him.

"I'll go grab another bowl," Buck said and sprint to the kitchen.


At Maddie's place.

"Hey, Chim, I finish baking my cake do you think it's too sweet?" Maddie asks and notices that Chim is gone.

"Chim?" She said and walks to the living room.

"Hi Maddie," He said and beside him is Mr. and Mrs. Buckley.

"Mom... dad what are you doing here?" Maddie ask.

"We came here to visit my daughter and sons," She said and hugs her.

(Just quick info I decided to make their parents less drama less problem so that it's easier, hope that's okay)

"Where are my sons anyway?" Her father asks looking around.

"Oh Evan and Oli are in their apartment, You should visit them so you can finally meet their boyfriends" Maddie replied.

"Boyfriends? Wait is Evan gay?" He asks confuse.

"I think bi is his term but you should talk to him anyway," Maddie said and they nodded.

Maddie, Chim called Buck, Oliver and told them to bring their boyfriends but she didn't tell them about their parents.

Why is she inviting us and ask us to bring Carlos and TK? Buck keeps asking himself. He thinks that Maddie is going to something serious and maybe wants company.. well I will always help my family in any way I can.

Buck knocks on the door.

"Buck, Oliver... good you brought TK and Carlos," She said after opening the door.

"Nice to see you too sis" Oli butts in.

"Hey Oli, Carlos, Tk come in," She said and they head inside.

"So sis, why did you call us? Did something happen?" Oli asks a bit concerned.

"Nothing serious but someone wants to meet your boyfriends," Maddie said and their parents show up.

"Mom, Dad!!" They said and hugs them.

"Oh my, settle down we aren't young as you guys are," He said and they apologize and back away.

"Dad you never told me your visiting here in LA," Oliver said.

"Well me and your father wanted to surprise you but it seems we are the ones that are surprising," She said and looks at their children.

"Yeah our children really have grown," He said looks at Tk, Carlos, and Chim.

"Nice to meet you, sir, I'm Howard," Chim said and shakes his hand.

Tk and Carlos did same.

"So how's life here in LA?" She asks. All of them in the living room sitting on the couch.

"Well it's been really great" Buck replied.

"I can clearly tell that," He said and looks at their partners.

"So why haven't you told me buck about your boyfriend here I thought you're into girls not that I mind," She asks and looks at TK.

"Well a lot just happened and I learn a few things about my self" Buck replied and grab TK's hand.

"So tk, Carlos you two never told me about yourself much, where are you from and what are your jobs?" He asks

"I'm a firefighter I'm from new york then move to Austin texas then more here in LA with my dad" Tk replied.

"I'm a police officer also from texas I moved here because my family also moved here" Carlos replied.

They spend talking for a really long time and they decided to stay for dinner to get to know them better

Next Day

Maddie, Tk, Buck, Oliver, Carlos at the airport.

"Bye Maddie, hope you use my book well," Aaron said and Maddie hugs him.

"You been the best guy a girl can ask for and I will continue to improve my cooking" She replied.

"Yeah bro, I will really miss your pastries" Oliver replied.

"Maddie will do it haha, Plus who knows maybe I might send you some once I'm in japan" He replied and shake Carlos and Oliver's hand.

"TK takes good care of buck he is fragile but doesn't forget about you too" He replied and hug both of them.

"Thank I will take care" Tk replied.

"Yeah be careful in Japan, Aaron" Buck replied and kissed Aaron on the cheek.

"What was that for?" Aaron asks "But thanks anyway, bye guys... I'm going to miss you all" He said and they formed a group hug.

Aaron breaks the hug... "I need to go.. it was nice meeting you all" He replied as he walks to the entrance and the others waving goodbye.

Sorry guys if the story is moving too fast I just have to update this story before I update my other ones. Hope you understand...

What if we alter? (Buck x Tk Fanfiction) [COMPLETE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin